Chapter 5

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A/N: Sorry for the late update, and my mistakes. Enjoy the two chapter. Give me some ideas please for the next chapter.

"Mooooom?! Call Steven!!!" I yelled, running upstairs.
"What?!" My mom yelled back from the kitchen.
"I said, Call Steven! I need a Limo!" I shouted and reached my room, I grabbed the door knob of my room.
"Gets your ass right here! Dont shout!" My mom yelled back, sounds a little bit mad.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, running back downstairs.

I stood on front of my mom, while she's on her laptop.
"What do you want?!" My mom asked, madly. "Mom? Dont be mad." I said on my humble voice, "Call Steven, I need a Limo." I said softly and grinned. "Why do you need a Limo?" My mom asked confused, raising her eyebrow. A flush red on my cheeks, "Uhm-Uhm, Im going on a date." I blushed, keeping my eyes on the floor. "What?" My mom stopped doing her works and look at me smiling. "I said, I'm going on a date." I sighed. "Really?" My mom asked, smiling. "Yeah." I said, shyly.

My mom called Steven, I still dont know what to wear, I have a bunch of clothes but I dont know what can definitely look me perfect.

I called Bria so she can help on what to wear on my date tonight.

I'm at my bed stairing at the ceiling while Bria is busy finding my perfect clothes to wear.

"Youre not helping!" Bria groaned while shes smashing my dresser.
"What? Thats why I called you right? To help me." I sighed, rolled my body out of the bed. "You know what? Lets go buy a new one." I chuckled and change my clothes to a sweat pants and a shirt.
"You have a million of clothes here! We dont need to buy, thats gonna be a waste of money!" Bria scolded me. "Then find me a perfect suit or whatever I'm going to wear tonight!" I shot back.
Bria laughed at me while shaking her head. "Why are you laughing at me?!" I yelled at her, annoyed. "Stress?" Bria continue to laugh at me. I sighed and glared at her, "Youre nervous. Why? Lauren and Camila will be happy whatever your gonna do on your date Y/N." Bria told me, with a giggle. "A lot of pressure and I dont know maybe they dont-" "Y/N! You dont know how much Lauren and Camila likes you, even if I punch you they will cooed on you and tell you youre cute." Bria cut me off.

"Last thing. I dont know what you can wear maybe we go shopping just for your 'date' clothes tonight." Bria said.

We got on to the mall and go to one of the store.

"Hi Ma'am what can I help you?" A girl asked the both of us, I looked at her name tag, 'Joy'.
"Okay..hhmmm. Joy? We need a.. Ahm like a good clothes for this handsome girl on my side." Bria told her, smirking. I laughed and slap her arm. "This way Ma'am." The saleslady said.


(A/N: That clothes in the picture is your gonna wear on your date)

"Good?" I asked Bria whos staring at me through the mirror. She smirked, "What?" I asked, worriedly. She didnt respond. "Bria?! Youre making me worried." I said, staring at her. "You look definetly good, you dont need to worry everyone will be drooling if they sees you." Bria stood up and pats my shoulder. I looked myself on the mirror again, Bria gave me a thumbs up.

"Are you sure?" I asked, nervously. "Holy fucking shit Y/N! Youre so annoying, you look so fucking hot!" Bria shouted at me with a glare. I giggled, "Okay. I'm sorry okay? I'm just nervous." I sighed and sit on my bed.

I heard a 'beep beep' from the outside. "Thats Steven." I said, I stood up and adjust my sleeves. "Come on."

"Oh my god Y/N." I heard my mom said from behind me. "What?" I turn around and saw her with a wide eyes and a smile on her face. "Oh my god." My mom whispered and hugged me. "You look... You look..
so good." My mom said, "Aaww thanks mom." I replied. "I told you, right Mrs.Y/LN?" Bria said with a wink, I saw my mom nod with a big smile. "When are you gonna take her here?" My mom asked, rubbing the both sides of my arm. "Her?" I asked, she nodded. "Yes. The-." I cut her off. "I'm dating the two girls I told you mom." I rubbed the back of my head. "Ohh. I can tell you really like them huh?" My mom nudged me. "Of course. Im not taking them on a date if I dont like them." My snap my fingers and winked at my mom. She giggled and said, "Goodluck honey." She kissed my cheeks.

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