Chapter 22

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"No, babe. No. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout, I just got mad and... No, I'm sorry. I would not do that, babe. I love you so much to do that." I whispered weakly hearing the sobbing from the other line.

"Why did you think about that, babe?"

"I'm sorry. I just thought-" A sob cut her sentence, I can tell she's crying so hard. I felt like an idiot for making her feel like that, my emotions got me.

"Babe, calm down." I softly said.

"I'm sorry, I realize how stupid I am."

"Nononono. Don't say that."

"Yes, I am. I made you feel like I'm cheating." She replied with a silent cry.

"Are you really cheating?"

"No, I wouldn't do that to you. I swear."

"Then that's fine. Please stop crying. I believe you, Laur. Please, stoooop crying. I might take a flight to go there like right now."

Then I heard her cute giggles that makes my heart happy.

"Please. I miss you."

"Ohhh babyyyyy, I miss you too." I said cutely, I felt her smiling from the phone. "I'll tell my mom first before I'll go there."

"Yey." She cheered like a child, like she didn't cry.

"But before anything else... I want you to change, Lauren. You are getting worst, I felt like I don't really know you. You're lying and.. More. I'm not naive, Lauren. I feel it and I want to talk to you when I get there, okay?"

This time I heard her sobbing again before replying, "Yes, babe."

"I want you to change, a better change. Okay?"


"Stop crying. I love you. I love you. I love you."

"I love you too, I love you so much."

"Can I get a kiss please?"

"No, you're mad at me. So I wouldn't give you a kiss."

"Wha-what? Who told you that I'm mad?"

"You're mad."

"No, I'm not. Where's my kiss?"

"I won't give you one."

"Come on, babe."

"You're such a cutie. Mwa." I heard her kissing sound with her cute giggle, I smiled. "I love you."

"I love you. Come on, get your ass up and go shower. I know y'all have some works to do."

"Okay, take care babe."

"You too, gorgeous."

"Y/N babeeeee! I love you and I miss you." I heard Camila shouting, I laughed at her cuteness.

"Camz, stop yelling."

"No! Hey babe! Take care of yourself okay? I love you!"

I replied a, "I love you too." Before Lauren ended the call.

I smiled like an idiot looking at my phone, how could we argue and be okay in a minute. Is this how distance is bitching us?

"What's up with that smile? What happened? I heard you yelling." Amanda found me and smiled at me. I smiled back and went inside to go take a seat at the dining table to eat our breakfast.

My Skater Girl (You/Lauren/Camila)Where stories live. Discover now