Chapter 13

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"Hey babe." I shouted through the hallway when I saw my girlfriends walking towards me in a fastest way. Lauren approached me then, slap. Followed by Camila then, slap.

"Dont hey babe us?!" They said in a sassy tone with a sassy move. "What the fuck is your problem?" I said my voice with a crack and a yell, they crossed their arms and looked at me rising an eyebrow.

"Excuse me." A boy said and walked ahead just beside me, "Ouch! Can you be more careful?!" I shouted when he accidentally elbowed my injured arm. "I'm sorry." He said, and quickly ran away. When I turn my head to my front I saw my girlfriends running away too.

"What the fuck." I muttered following them touching my slightly aching cheeks.

I followed them towards the parking lot, they stopped right beside my car.

"What the hell was that!" I whisper yell pointing at the school.

"You kissed Chrissy!" They said at the same time, madly. "At Austin's party! Are you fucking kidding me, Y/N?" Lauren yelled at me, I just recall the memories but I can't. "Did you enjoy it? Is she great?" Camila yelled at me too, they tried to open my car but it's locked. "Open your car." They demanded, I cant remember any single thing about that. I just stayed silent and opened my car for them, "Hop on the car now!" Lauren said her fist clenching. They hopped on the car, wanting me to drive. I just hopped on the drivers sit then drove home silently. I kept looking at them through the mirror but they caught me and glare at me.

When we got home they left me there not bothering to help me, hey I'm an injured person. Come on help me! I said to myself, they went to my house leaving me behind.

Holy shit!

I remember! She kissed me, I didnt kissed back. I was drunk and she is too.

I rushed quickly inside, saw them on the couch watching random shit on t.v.

"Hey babes.. Let me explain about that Chrissy thing." I said, and walked towards them. I saw them sighed and rolled their eyes. "Save the shit, Y/N." Lauren said, looking at the t.v. "We saw the picture." Camila said and rolled her eyes.

"Are you serious?? You don't even want to hear my explanation?" I said, they didn't move. "Oh my god. I can't believe my girlfriends don't even listen to me. You don't even know my side then you two just gonna react like I did that to the both of you?! Come on baby? You two know how much I love you, I even risked my life for the two of you." I'm disappointed, of course I'm their girlfriend atleast they would believe in me and don't give a shit about other people said. I felt my eyes getting weak as I look at them, I tear fell on my eyes "I love you, Lauren. I love you, Camila. You know how much I adore the two of you, you're my weakness. That night I wasn't that drunk before Mahorny tried to... You know. When I went to the kitchen, I grabbed our drinks, I felt her from behind me, I thought it was the one of you when I turned around it was her." I can feel that they are listening to me, I sniffled rubbing my nose. "She tried to kiss me, I pushed her. She even fell on the ground." I let out a shaky laugh, "She pushed herself to me, that's when I met her gross lips. I pushed her away, she told me that she love me that I'm gonna be here's and some shit. But I left her there." I lift my head towards them and wipe my eyes. I saw them crying. "Babe.. Were so sorry for being a idiot, for believing those bitches, for doing this to you." Lauren sobbed, I felt her hand on my cheek, I lean in to her hand and kissed her palm. "Were such an asshole for doing this to you." Camila said, she sat on my lap and kissed my cheeks. "Don't say that. You're not stupid, you two are the most beautiful creature on earth." I told them, they blushed and cuddled on to my side.


I woke up on the couch, its dark outside. A loud Demi Lovato song from the kitchen.

I walked around the living but no sight of Camila and Lauren. I walked towards the kitchen and I saw them prepairing our dinner. I smiled and just looked at them from behind. "I can feel you, Y/N." Lauren said with a giggle. "I'm just admiring the view here." I said on my husky voice. I heard the most cute giggle from them. "Go sit there for a sec, the food is ready." Camila said, I shrugged and sat at the dining room.

I waited for a few minutes and I saw them with a piece of red rose. "This is a Sorry Dinner for you." Lauren said, handing me her rose. She kissed my lips and said "I love you", "I love you too. This is so cute." I said and smiled, Camila approached me and hand me her rose, "I love you baby." She said and kissed me. "I love you too." I smiled, "Cute and weird." I added and they giggled. "But a cute side of weird."

They served some food and sat at the table. "You cook this?" I asked smiling cheeky. "We actually." Camila respond, its like a pasta something. I quickly shove it in my mouth, "Babe it taste awful." I said, they frowned. "I'm kidding it taste so good." I said and they smiled and continue to eat our food.


The next morning I decided ask them to go to the park with me since its weekend.

"Want to come with me at the park?" I asked them, they were at the tapping touching their phone. "Sure." Camila said and jumped out of the couch then go towards me. "Lauren?" I gave her a warn voice, "Okay.. Okay.. I'm coming." She said and rolled her eyes.

I drove there safely, blasting some songs.

We got out of the car and walked towards the playground.

"Aww babe, look at that baby." Lauren said pointing at the cute lil' girl running around. "It's so cute." Camila added giggling. "You like babies?" I asked them and walked towards the bench just in front of the playground under a tree. "Yep, they're so cute. Look at that!" Camila said excitedly, admiring the cute children playing. "I could give you a baby, each of you." I said suggestively, I looked at them and grinned. "Since my arm is seems better, we could-Ow!" Before I could finished my sentence they slapped my arm, they giggled. I snaked my arm just around their shoulder at let their head rest on my chest.

"I just wanted to say, Thank you babe. For making me happy, for making me feel so loved, for taking care of me, for everything." I said sweetly, they cuddled on to my side. "And... I love the both of you so much." I said rubbing their arms. "We love you too, Y/N." I felt Lauren kissed my neck, Camila kissed my cheek repeatedly.

"You know? Bria said that you fucked a lot of girls." Lauren said shifting, looking at me. I giggled, "Yeah, of course. Who doesnt want to fuck with me." I said and just earned a elbowed on my stomach. "Ouch. What?"

"You're acting like a fuckboy sometimes." Camila said, Lauren is nodding. "It's true, I'm the most popular girl at school. You can't blame me." I said.

"No, seriously, I was drunk every night and ended up hooking some bitch that's why." I told them, they stayed silent and just humming.

"Babe?" I asked them, "Hmm?" They hummed on reponse. "Do you think it's hot, if I have a dick piercing?" I asked biting my lip, forcing myself not to laugh. "What?" Lauren asked confusely, eyebrows crossing. "Dick piercing." I said, they look at my crotch and look at me. "That is so gross." Camila said, giving me a discust look. "Is that even existing?" Lauren asked. "Yeah, if you want I could have it."
"Ugh, no. I think its gross. Just no.. Ew." Lauren said, "If you have that kind of piercing on your dick, I'll never suck your dick forever." Lauren added. "Me either." Camila said shaking her head side by side.

I laughed at their answers, "I'm just kidding. I think its painful like... Ugh. How could they put it there?" I said. "It's none of our business." Lauren sassed at me, I just rolled my eyes on her. "Babe? I'm hungry." Camila said.

"Come on, lets go eat."

A/N: Sorry, kinda shorty chapter. Too lazy to write. But thank you for reading babes, Ilysm.

Focus on me. Fo-fo-focus on me. Lols. Bye!

My Skater Girl (You/Lauren/Camila)Where stories live. Discover now