Chapter 21

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Weeks past since I was with my girlfriends, they told me that they're getting busy than before because of all the guesting and touring shit. We talk and text more when a week past but when the other week past we talk about two to three times a day in a shorter time, we barely even texting.

They're taking a lot of interviews and everything about their new hit, they can't even give some time to talk to me. But I understand, between me and their career. If they'd be choosing between me and their career, probably they'll choose their career. Them being one of the most inspirational girls or group, but I'm just a girl who wants their whole attention and love, of course.

I spend more time leaning my attention to skating and my friends. Amanda and I were still hanging out, we're friends still acting that we love each other in front of her dad. We haven't had sex, yet? But we wouldn't do that, and I'm not expecting that. We don't kiss, we're just more on hugging each other.

Sorry babe we have some work to do :( i love you take care. Lauren said she loves you more. -camz.

"You have to be kidding me!" I hissed, I'm pissed as fuck. I rolled my eyes and saw Amanda sighed at the corner. We spend some boring times together, in their house or probably skating.

"What happened?" She asked and came near me. She sat beside me, I layed my head on her shoulder and she rubbed my arms softly.

"They told me yesterday that they'll talk to me today but I guess... We can't." I closed my eyes in pain that they can't even speak some words for me even in a minute.

"They spend so much time on their work , we barely even talk. I reserved this day for us." I sighed and lift my head, "I want to do something."

Amanda rubbed my leg and said, "I made you a sandwhich... Wait I'll get it." She ran to go get it at the kitchen, she came back with a small plate, my favourite soda and her sweet smile.

"Woah Manda, thanks." I smiled back at her and she sat beside me nudging my shoulder, "You're welcome idiot." She replied giggling, messing my hair before she gave me my sandwhich.

"You have to do my hair later or else... I'll steal your favourite beanie." I took my sandwhich and I saw her pouting.

I winked at her before turning my attention to her given sandwhich, I took a bite and it taste amazing.

"This is good." I said, she smiled before saying, "Really?"

I nodded my head and took a large bite of it. "Yes! I love it, didn't you taste it?" She shook her head before I gave her some.

"Do you have some beer here? I don't like drinking soda right now." I asked as I ate the last bite of her sandwhich.

"I don't know. We can party later... uh with Bria and Tyler and the others." She suggested.

Of course, I agree to it. I want to have some fun and forget about this issue with my girlfriends, they did this a lot of times and I am really tired of waiting, I want to have some fun.

The middle of the party, we all little tipsy but some of us were drunk. Some are grinding up to some strangers, but I manage to keep my hormones and stay were at the table drinking myself to death.

Bria manage to never left my side but once she saw a hot girl alone, she'll literally left me and hit on her then back when she didn't get her number or the girl were straight.

I was alone sitting at our table, others were drunk hitting on someone, Amanda saw some of her friends and go talk to them for a while, then Bria came back with our drinks.

My Skater Girl (You/Lauren/Camila)Where stories live. Discover now