Chapter 1

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A/N - I hate having to do this, but since NovelHD has already started to pirate some of my books, here we go. These works are mine. My poor little brain came up with the plots and characters, and I'd really prefer you to not steal them. If you're reading this on a site that is NOT Wattpad then it is most certainly stolen.




If I told you that the event that kick started my major life change was having over a dozen hot college sorority girls staring at my naked body after I got out of a shower, you'd probably think that it meant that it led to an orgy, or something similar, right? But what if I told you that I didn't know them? Or that I was supposed to have been alone in my house, and that I had no idea where these girls came from or how they got in?

Yeah, you're probably still thinking of an orgy. I get it. If someone told me that in a bar, I'd think the same thing.

Let me back up just a little bit. It was the first day of what was supposed to be a three week vacation, my first in all too many years, and I was ready to relax. Normally my job takes me all over the world, and I'm lucky to see my house for a few days a month, so having so long to myself without dealing with jetlag and hotels was a good thing.

I'd scheduled my vacation to coincide with Spring Break because the airports were a mess during that time, even with a private jet, and that made it a pain to do my job. But I never expected that Spring Break would come to my bedroom. I had a good day too. Had a good workout, and a self-defense class that was quite vigorous. I'd never needed to use any of it, but my father had been kidnapped years ago in Brazil, and he insisted I take the lessons since I would be going out and about. So, the shower was nice and relaxing, and my muscles were pleasantly sore when the girls interrupted my day.

"What the hell are you doing in my house?" I asked while quickly tying the towel that I'd been drying my hair off with around my waist. My voice was loud, and half of them jumped because their eyes were a lot lower than they should have been!

"Your house?" asked the blonde in front, who was still staring shamelessly. "Do you come with the rental? Or do we have to pay extra?" She was wearing nothing but jean shorts and a bikini top, and had her hip cocked in a way that was probably supposed to make me want her.

In that, she succeeded. I did want her. To leave.

"Kian?" came the sound of a voice I knew. Another blonde, this one in a power suit and her hair pulled back in a bun made her way through the bikini convention. "What are you doing here?"

Jodie Kelly, my sister's personal assistant, was about the last person I'd expect to be here, other than the other girls who were already there. They seemed like an odd pairing. "Jodie, I live here. Where the hell else would I be when I'm on vacation? What are you doing here? And why are you with them? What the fuck is happening right now?"

"Vacation?" Her voice rose into a high pitch. "You're on vacation? Oh no!" She turned tail and walked quickly back towards the main part of the house, leaving me alone with the girls, who showed no signs of leaving.

I stood and stared at the girls, and they stared right back. It took almost half a minute before they started to get uncomfortable and started looking among themselves. "Get out of my room." I walked towards them waving my hands to shoo them along. "Go bug Jodie, it sounds like she might know what's going on."

The blonde in front was the last to leave, flashing me a wink and a smirk as she finally left. Hopefully the door slamming as she left expressed my thoughts on that. This wasn't at all how I wanted my vacation to start! Locking the door, I headed back to the master bathroom, where I hung up the damp towel before going to get dressed.

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