Chapter 12

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I carried Alaya back to the plane's bedroom and laid her down on the queen sized bed, pinning her to the mattress and capturing her lips with mine while I held her hands over her head. I know, take it slow, that was what we'd told ourselves multiple times. But maybe the scare today moved us along quicker than we intended. Believe me, I would have loved nothing more than to keep Alaya here in bed all the way to Rome, but I was a little worried that she was rushing this.I pulled away, and she lifted her head, trying to reconnect our lips. "Come back here Kian, I'm not done with those lips!"

"Alaya, wait. Do you really want this right now? Are you going to regret rushing?"

She lay back, looking up at me with wide eyes. "Do you not want me?"

"I very much want you! But I didn't want to rush into this while we were just starting our relationship. If that asshole hadn't attacked you, would we be here right now?" I asked. "Or are you just doing this to forget?"

She groaned in frustration, and I could understand that. "Of course, I want to forget him! But that doesn't mean I don't want you! Kian, I wanted you as soon as you dropped me off at my car the first day that I met you. Yeah, that was purely a physical reaction, but you were still nice enough to give me a ride, give me cash to make up for the lost money and offer me a job. Even if the job didn't work out, you still treated me better than I had any right to expect. I wanted you, and I'm not afraid to admit it."

I chuckled a little, as I remembered that day. "If we're being honest, your ass looked stunning that day, so I might have been a bit superficial too in the beginning."

               "So, if we met at a club, and were both attracted to each other, we could have easily hooked up, right?" she questioned. 

"Yeah, that makes sense." It was easy to see how that could happen.

"The other day we agreed to try a relationship, and I want to do that still, but we were going to take it slow. Now, I have no problem taking it slow, or I didn't before that monster tried to get into my panties, but right now I want my boyfriend to make me forget all the bad things that could have happened and remind me of what I have to look forward to in this relationship. This isn't you taking advantage of me, this is me needing to feel you close to me. I need you Kian. I need you to make love to me and remind me how good something like that can be when it is consensual. I need you to give me something good to dream of tonight so that the stench of his breath isn't what my mind fixates on. I need you Kian, please?"

I leaned back down, kissing her for an answer. Her response was hungry, and I knew what she needed. I always expected our first time might be filled with passion, and I was going to make sure that was exactly what this was. She was right, if I did my job, she'd have no memories of earlier, only us. "You're mine tonight Alaya, I'll make sure of that," I whispered into her mouth before moving down to her neck and nipping lightly on her dusky skin.

"Yes, papi, that is all I want. I want you to make me scream!" Her breath was hot in my ear as she implored me to give her everything I had.

Damn, she was driving me crazy! Her voice had seemingly dropped two octaves now that she was turned on, and it took all of my willpower to not just rip her clothes off. They were already in rough shape, and I didn't want to make them worse. I started unbuttoning her shirt, and she just took it in her hands and ripped it, the buttons flying about the cabin.

"I'm throwing this whole outfit away, I want nothing to remind me of that place. So, just get it off me! But you should get naked too, papi. I'm gonna need to touch every inch of you." She tossed the ruined blouse onto the floor, and I quickly leaned down, unzipping her skirt and slipping it off.

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