Chapter 13

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I wasn't going to turn that down, and I crawled my way back up her belly, leaving a trail of kisses and nibbles along the way until I reached her lips again, and she quickly rewarded me with another scorching kiss.

"How long is this trip?" she asked as she pressed her hips up into me, so I could feel how wet she still was against my shaft.

"We still have over three weeks before we go home," I told her, rotating my hips to tease her. "More if we get more stops added, though I told my sister I didn't want that."

She hummed in approval. "I hope you have the stamina to keep up then, because I have a feeling there is going to be an awful lot of this in our future. I can already feel what's between my legs, and I'm going to want that every night!" I started crawling over to the nightstand, where I was hoping there might be some condoms, and praying I was right. "And forget the condoms, I'm on the pill, and I can't wait!"

I nodded in reaction before grinning down at her. "Every night? Someone seems needy," I joked as I quickly settled back between her legs.

She leaned up, nipping my ear. "Kian, I have every intention of pleasing you like no other woman can, because that is what you've been doing for me every day. I don't just mean just in bed either. I want to prove that I'm not just some young, fresh out of college girl sleeping her way to the top. Now climb aboard and show me how you ride!"

I shook my head lightly. "I've never thought that of you at all. You've already proven yourself more than capable, and this is just adding to the wonderful puzzle that makes you, you."

She smiled up at me again. "Then if I'm a puzzle, I think I'm missing a piece." She reached down between us, and gripped my rock hard shaft in her hand, then guided it to her slick channel, pulling me inch by inch within her. The feeling was indescribable, as I felt myself being enveloped by her, a little bit at a time, until she had our hips pressed tightly against one another. "Ahh, the perfect piece to fill me up." She sighed happily, once I had stretched and filled her, as she wrapped her legs around me like an upside down koala to keep me in place. "Stay there for just a moment, okay Kian? I just want to enjoy this before you fuck me silly."

I could barely talk already, as the walls of her pussy were already gripping me in a velvety vice, and her voice was driving me over the edge with desire. "You feel so good, Alaya." I murmured as she looked up at me teasingly. "Don't make me wait too long! You're making me crazy!"

"Mmmm, I like you crazy," she countered. "Clávame papi!" With that she started to slowly roll her hips up into me, letting me know exactly what she'd said without the use of an interpreter. But oh yeah, I'd remember that phrase!

I started to move with her, making long, slow strokes that left us both moaning. She kept her legs locked around my back, pulling me into her with each stroke, while her nails dug into my back. "Oh, Kian! Yes! That's it! Don't stop!" she whimpered.

"I won't, I won't!" I wasn't a player by any stretch of the imagination, but I'd been with enough women to know what I liked in a partner and what I didn't. Alaya was something so far beyond anything I'd ever experienced, that I felt like it was my first time all over again. Not that I'd base a relationship on nothing but sex, but damn she was making a strong case for augmenting our new relationship with stunning sex. I couldn't get enough of her! "Fuck, you're so tight!"

She grinned up at me, running her nails over my spine. "I guess I needed the right cock to stretch me out. You fill me up just right, Kian!"

Yeah, that was an ego boost. "I better keep treating you right then, huh?" I asked with a grunt while she continued to move in unison with me.

"Si, papi!" she was moaning nonstop now, and letting out a whine with every thrust. "Harder, Kian, take me home!"

She didn't need to tell me twice, and I started to pump long strokes deeper into her core, letting my balls slap against her each time, and getting happy cries from her with each thrust. "Oh fuck! Alaya! Damn baby, tell me you're close!"

"Si!" she screamed. "So close, Kian! Now, papi!"

I could feel her walls clenching around me, squeezing me in the best way possible, and the sensations triggered my own orgasm. My thrusts turned sloppy as I pumped stream after stream of my own fluids deep into her, while she hung onto my back and trembled all over. "Oh, fuck! I groaned as I collapsed onto Alaya, catching myself on my elbows to keep from squishing her.

I felt her hand stroking sweat soaked cheek, and looked down to see tears in her eyes, and a smile on her face. "That was wonderful, Kian. Thank you so much. You have no idea how much I needed that happy release."

I grinned back down at her. "I mean, it was a real chore, obviously. But I don't think we can ever top that."

Her eyes flew wide. "Excuse me? You think that is the best we can do?"

I opened my mouth to agree with my earlier statement, when I realized how foolish it was. That had been our first time together, and while our emotions were running high, I had little doubt that once we learned more about each other's bodies that we'd have even more things that would set the other off. "You're right, I'm sorry. There is a lot more that we can do, and I bet that we will top that many times over."

"But it was a good start," she conceded. "Though I think you could get another round. You deserve it."

This time I knew I was right, as I quickly shook my head. "Not right now. This was for you, Alaya. Believe me, I'm more than satisfied right now."

She raised her eyebrow in an impressive arch at me. "And what if I wanted you to feed me that cock of yours and let me taste you?"

I felt my jaw drop as she asked, only to see her start smiling. "I can't tell if you're serious or not."

"I'm serious, but I think that will be something to save for the next time. Honestly, I'm pretty worn out. I think everything is just exhausting me," she admitted softly.

"I know, it's been a long day. Everything combined together would take a lot out of you."

"Lucky I had you here to put something back into me then," she said with a giggle.

I could only groan and laugh at that joke, only to hear a moan come from her. I realized my cock was still within her, as I'd just been resting within her, and that laughter must have hit her in the right way. "Sorry!" I adjusted myself to start pulling out, when she gripped me tight with arms and legs.

"Where do you think you're going? Did that sound like I was in pain, papi?"

"N – No! I just didn't want to do anything to make you feel uncomfortable."

"I don't think that's possible anymore, Kian. You make me feel incredible, and if your cock makes me moan a little, I think that's a good thing." She adjusted us so that I was back on top of her, and then relaxed. "Just stay here for a bit, then we'll get cleaned up, okay? I really like the weight of you pressing down on me. You're very comforting."

I leaned down, giving her a soft kiss. "I'll do whatever you like, Alaya."

"And I'll do whatever you like. I think we're going to make a good pair." She laid her head back on the pillow, a blissful smile on her face. "Does this plane have a shower by any chance?"

"I wish it did. Some of the bigger private jets do, but this one isn't quite that big. But the bathroom is a lot better than you see on commercial jets," I explained. "Want me to get us cleaned up?"

"Yes please. That should do for now. But when we get to Rome, we're sharing a shower and you better pin me to the wall in there," she stretched languidly underneath, and I felt her walls clench around my still sensitive cock. I couldn't help but moan and felt myself start to harden within her. "She wiggled her hips, and I grew even faster. "Is someone wanting another round?" she flashed a smirk at me, and there was no way I could deny it when the evidence was growing within her.

"Sorry, it seems to have a mind of its own!" I felt myself blushing at my inability to control the beast.

"Why be sorry?" she wondered. "I love that you can't control yourself around me. Perhaps we should put your fine gentleman to good use. Why don't you roll over, and I'll show you how well I can ride my wild stallion!"


A/N: Clávame papi - Fuck me daddy (In case that wasn't obvious!)

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