Chapter 18

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"Stop! No more!" Alaya squealed as she giggled. The spanking wasn't going well. Yes, we tried putting her over my knee, but I didn't want to hurt her, so my spanks weren't exactly doing much other than making her laugh, and then things got sillier from there. The one time I did smack her butt, leaving a handprint, I'd immediately started kissing it to make it better, which just made us dissolve into more giggles. Were two naked people supposed to be rolling around laughing instead of having sex?

I guess we were, because it was a lot of fun. Besides, I knew that sooner or later we'd figure out what we were supposed to be doing and get it right. We were out in the living room area of the suite, lounging naked on the couch and I knew I'd be more than happy to take her right here, or over on the leather chair with a view of the city.

"Okay, okay, what are we doing wrong? Show me how they do it in the book!" I told her, hoping to see if they were trying other things.

"No way, it's all smut!" she said, turning beet red.

"What happened to reading with each other? Weren't we supposed to try that?"

"Not that one! I'm not even sure I like it, it's a little dark. Maybe we should try another one," she suggested.

"So, skip the spanking?" I asked. "Or should we try something else?"

She fished her phone out of her purse, unlocked it, pressed a few buttons, and then handed it over. "No judging!"

The chapter she handed me was in the middle of the book, and got right into a pretty smutty scene, but one that I wasn't sure I could replicate. "Alaya, you don't want me to call you all these names, do you?" I wondered. "I don't think I could call someone I actually liked a slut, whore or cumslut."

She groaned out loud. "No, forget that part. He's just really aggressive I guess."

"He seems like an asshole," I pointed out.

"Oh yeah, he is. But I guess the woman he's with likes being submissive to him."

I put the phone down, looking over at her. "You haven't been submissive since I met you, and I don't think I'd know what to do if you were! I like that you speak up and give me a lot of feedback and ideas. We work together better that way, don't we?"

She nodded quickly. "We do, yeah. Honestly, I really like that you let me speak up about things too. I don't want to just be along for the ride here."

"Hey, if you want a ride, I have just the saddle for you;" I joked, making her blush again.

"Oh! Keep reading then! That might help!" she said after a second.

With a sigh, I picked up the book, where I found out about the man's penis that was larger than anything I've seen served in one of those sandwich shops that sells foot long subs. How would that not break this woman? How is she deep throating that without having to unhinge her jaw like a snake? Oh my god he can't really be putting it there too! "This woman must have amazing medical insurance, because she's going to be needing surgery after he's done with her," I muttered.

She snorted in laughter for a moment as I continued to read. "In a couple chapters his identical twin comes to join them, then she'll really need the surgery!" she pointed out.

I mean, I'm not tiny, but I'm pretty sure that putting things as large as these men supposedly are into orifices that were generally smaller would hurt a lot. I didn't think I'd want to try it with mine, which was a little over seven inches. Was that what Alaya was looking for? "Alaya, is this what you want?" I held her phone over, pointing at the paragraph.

"Oh shit, I forgot that was this chapter!" she covered her face with her hands and just groaned in embarrassment. I wasn't sure if that was a yes or no, but I kept reading.

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