Chapter 21

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"No, no, hands on my hips," Alaya scolded as I was inching my hands up towards her gorgeous breasts. "You have to feel the way I move, anticipate my movements, get in synch with me." I quickly slid my hands down to her hips, giving them a nice squeeze. That wasn't hard to do, since she was currently naked and straddling my face.

"And don't stop licking?" I asked as I kissed the inside of her thigh.

"Damn right!" she giggled. "I'm gonna dance my pussy all over that tongue and you're gonna lap me up!"

Fuck I loved the sound of that!

"Do it Alaya. I can't wait to try this!"

She started slowly, her hips making small circles that were easy for my mouth to keep up with. She was already soaking wet, with the limo ride back to the hotel including a non-stop make out session. We almost ran to the elevators, giggling the entire way, then had to behave once we were in the elevator as we were joined by an elderly couple that we didn't want to embarrass. But once we got into the room, our hands were roaming again, nice and slowly. I took my time, getting her out of the stunning dress to find nothing underneath but a skimpy yellow laced g-string that she'd worn to avoid panty lines.

She was looking up at me through her lashes, with her lower lip trapped in her teeth and looking so innocent in nothing but the tiny panties and her heels, and I just crushed her to me with one hand as I worked on my own clothes. Her hands were helping, as my suit slowly but surely made it to a nearby chair before my hand made its way down between her legs.

"Touch me, papi," she gasped, her mouth on my chest while she bit my nipple. "Touch me!"

The panties were so small, and the fabric so thin, it took no effort at all to move them to the side and leave her pussy bare for my fingers to explore. I kissed along her jaw as I slowly ran my fingers through her folds before gently pressing on her clit. "Damn, baby, you're so wet!"

"Ohhh, papi, you make me that way," she whispered to me. "All for you."

I felt a shiver run through me at that. This woman. This beautiful, smart, and sexy woman, was all for me. I'd known her for two damned weeks, and yet she was all I wanted. That seemed entirely unnatural to me, but I couldn't help it. "You're all I want, Alaya, all of you."

I moved my fingers back down, slipping a pair into her, and gently pumping them as she clung to me, her legs trembling. "Yes! Kian, right there! Oh, fuck! Papi, you make me never want to stop!"

I had my arm around her back, pulling her into me for support while I kept moving my fingers within her, and I could tell she was close since my fingers were already drenched. I knew that before long I'd hear the sweet sounds of her calling out as she hit her peak. Or so I thought.

"Stop! Kian, no more!" she begged, causing me to still my fingers, and slowly remove them while looking into her eyes.

"Are you okay? Did that hurt?" That was the last thing I wanted!

"No, but I was supposed to be dancing on your face!" she said with a smile. "Believe me, we'll get back to that again another time, but for now, I wanna cum on your tongue!"

Which is how we found ourselves on the bed, with her thighs straddling my face, my hands on her hips, and my tongue desperately trying to keep up with her hips as she breathlessly showed me what a samba roll was. Considering the circumstances, I thought I was doing pretty well. I mean, it was my first time trying to lick a moving target, right? On the other hand, Alaya was having fun teasing me, urging me onward, and all the while she had her hands on her nipples playing with herself while looking down at me though the valley between her breasts. It was one of the most erotic things I'd ever seen, and I couldn't wait for this to happen again.

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