Chapter 25

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The hotel in Copenhagen was just what I needed. We had the whole flight crew there with us in their own rooms, which was a good thing. Normally the company didn't foot the bill for the nicer hotel rooms for them, but the conference got them a good rate here. It was nice for us to have a group meal when we got in. Yes, at the hotel, I know, but I knew Alaya, and I would be out exploring the local cuisine tomorrow.

Or would we? I guess that would depend on how the call went.

My mind was a mess, and I needed some food and rest before I called Anna. The group meal helped with the food part, and then when we got into the room, Alaya and I took a nice warm shower that thoroughly invigorated me. No, we didn't have sex, though it was tempting, but just holding her naked and soaped up body close to me made me feel wide awake. Joint showers, much like our joint bed, were becoming the norm, and I enjoyed it even more now that we'd admitted our feelings. It wasn't like it was a shock to admit, I think we both knew what the other was feeling, though to have it stated and out in the open felt like the next phase of our relationship had started.

We'd have to see how long we were in that phase. At some point I'd want to get her a ring. She would be okay with that right? I mean, that's the next step, even if I thought that should be a little bit further away from now. Yes. We'd been rushing, but now that we were committed and in love, I thought it might be a good time to just enjoy each other and plan for a future once we were done with the company and we had a good idea for the future. Oh, and my sister was in jail.

I mean, it was obvious that the company was done, my sister and Ken being behind COVID was going to be a death knell for it. Yeah, I could always ride it out, but why? I think at this point, I was pretty much done with it even more than I was before. I would already be skipping the Australia leg of the trip, but I'd still do the conference, though I was dreading having to present what I knew. That was going to be a bombshell like nothing ever seen. The press would have a field day, and so would the authorities. I only hoped my sister would be smart and turn herself in, though I cared less about Ken.

"I guess I should call, now." I was sitting on the couch in the room, just holding Alaya again, and taking in all the support I could from her love. Fuck! Why did this have to happen? I should be so happy that this woman loves me, that she is supporting me through everything, and yet here I am trying to deal with the fact that my sister helped to kill millions, including her grandmother, and plans to kill many millions more.

"Get it over with. She has to know it's over, right?" Alaya said. "If you have the files, she is going to go to jail either way. There isn't much she can do."

"Right. She may be craving power and money, but she isn't completely insane," I said, with a little bit of worry. "People that kill millions aren't totally rational. Fuck." I really didn't want to say anything.

"Do you have other options?" she wondered. "Does she? She wouldn't really release the virus, anyway, would she?"

"I hope not. I don't see what it would get her."

She nodded slowly, and I could see her thinking. "I guess you should call her then, see what her response is. Oh! But don't say anything about the other virus, that will be our backup information."

I pulled out my phone. "Here goes nothing." I selected my sister's contact, and thumbed the call button, then put it on speaker so that Alaya could hear. If I missed anything, I wanted her to hear it, so we'd have a better chance of remembering.

"Kian, where the fuck are you?" Was the first thing I heard Anna say when she answered.

"Copenhagen, which you should know. We rescheduled Australia for after the conference," I replied, realizing I was already off the topic.

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