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One year later

Esme and Viola had been together the entire time we were in The Hague, and you could see their future would be a happy one. Viola had a bright future in politics, and she ended up getting a promotion in her department until she was later named to be Italy's next Ambassador to the UN, where she was still a much respected member. When she married Esme six months after we left, Alaya and I were thrilled, and we were happy to attend and give them both hugs for days. They deserved it. They were already planning on having a family and looking at potential donors and were remodeling the giant villa to make it more baby proof. I wished them luck on that, a toddler could be lost for a month in that place!

For me and Alaya, Anna's death meant that there were a lot of other things for me to handle, thankfully with Alaya at my side. The company's stock had nosedived as soon as the news of Anna's deeds became public, and with me being the sole beneficiary of everything of hers, I just sold the company in its entirety to Pfizer, and then donated all the money from the sale to a fund for people harmed by her scheme. She was also sitting on $55 billion in her personal fortune in other accounts, stocks and property, which I liquidated too.

Well, most of it.

$45 billion of that went into the same fund as the sale of the company, and now anyone who had been disabled by the disease or had lost a loved one could apply for some help. It wasn't perfect, but it was more than they would have gotten otherwise. I knew there was nothing I could do to make it perfect, but it helped me feel better about my family. I never heard from my parents, and as much as it hurt, I had to assume they were alive and in hiding after having a hand in Anna's plan. I knew there were still people from multiple agencies looking for them, but I didn't know if they'd find them.

The other $10 billion of Anna's money went towards another fund. This one was for more hurricane proof housing in Puerto Rico, which Alaya was thrilled with. There were still many people struggling after the last hurricane, and this gave them extra money for stronger houses with deeper footers, stronger roofs, and more secure walls and windows. I had gotten in contact with Elliot, who was happy to know I was alive, and let him run the COVID fund while we managed the house fund. Again, it wasn't perfect, but we knew that we were going to help a lot of people with that.

Among my sister's possessions were also my old house and yacht. I gave Elliot the house for a partial payment for everything he was doing, and now he was trying to decide if he should move into it or keep It as a rental property. The yacht I kept for Alaya and I though, because we loved the freedom. She had loved Viola's, and while ours was only 70 feet, it was more than enough for us. It got a lot of use on day trips for snorkeling and things like that. We also loved to sit on it and just stargaze on nice evenings, just relaxing under the night sky.

We ended up building a gorgeous house out in Puerto Rico that was only a 45 minute drive from the house that we bought for her mother, and it was simply stunning. We were close enough to the beach that we could go whenever we liked, but far enough that we were protected from storm surges. It was just what we'd wanted and used a lot of Alaya's ideas about standing up to hurricanes. The house had the appearance of being in the middle of the jungle, and it was perfect for us and our future family.

That future was about six months away, as my lovely wife was showing a little bit of a baby bump now. Dating hadn't been easy while we were at The Hague. Yes, we'd been together the entire time, and other than an occasional squabble had been perfectly happy together. But it was hard to go out when you were followed by a guard all the time. Still, we got to explore a little of The Hague, Amsterdam, and Rotterdam on weekends. We would have done more on those weekends, but we were prohibited from taking trains and flights until the trial was over. With Anna's death the prohibition ended, and we got to spend a little more time seeing the sights before heading back to the states.

During that sightseeing time, I'd asked her to marry me under the Eiffel Tower, while eating some street vendor crepes, two months after everything wrapped up, and she hadn't even waited to hear my entire proposal before she was screaming yes and jumping on me. There may have been a tragic end for a crepe when that happened, but it was worth it. We held off on kids for a few more months while we got everything situated with the two funds and found a place to build our house. But once that was done, we went at it with gusto!

Oh! To answer your question, yes, we brought the Aston Martin over to Puerto Rico, and yes, we tried having sex in it. I hate to say it, but we gave up. Don't get me wrong, we both love the car, but it really isn't big enough to have sex in. She was riding me for all she was worth, but her ass kept slamming into the steering wheel and honking the horn, and as good as it felt we couldn't stop laughing at ourselves. Yeah, we finished in the house. Maybe if I got the convertible, it would be easier?

Not that it mattered, Alaya and I were very good at pleasuring one another, and other than the car being uncomfortable we were able to make things work almost anywhere. For instance, in our pool. A lot.

Right now, Alaya was floating in the pool on her back, with her arms hooked around two pool noodles, while another two were under her ass, giving me perfect access to her glorious center that was where my face was now buried. As always, Alaya showed her appreciation for my efforts with her exhortations and cries of happiness while she splashed in the water like a horny, naked dolphin.

"Oh, damn papi!" she was moaning. "Yes! More! Mas papi! Estoy tan cerca! Yes! Yes!"

She'd been teaching me some basic Spanish, or at least enough to know the common phrases that she tended to yell when she was angry or in the throes of passion. With her yelling, and the thrashing about in the water, I knew that she was ready to coat my tongue in the delicious flavor of her juices. Sure enough, mere moments later she let out a strangled moan, and her thighs clamped around my head as she hit her peak.

I let her ride it out, slowing the licking but still keeping her trembling until she was limp in the pool. I tenderly kissed her inner thighs, holding her up so she could just relax as she started to break out into giggles. "How many kids do you want, Kian?" she finally asked once she'd recovered her breath.

I dropped her legs into the pool, pulling her to me "I never thought about it. It was always just me and my sister when I grew up, but I think we would be good parents. Maybe we could have three or four? How many would you want?"

She kissed me softly, nuzzling my neck as she made her way to my ear. "As many as you can give me, papi. I was a single child, and I want to have a big family with you. If we don't have any complications, then I think four sounds great."

"You're going to be an amazing mother, Alaya, and I can't wait to see our little babies." This woman was everything I could have wanted, and no matter how strange the way we met and started our relationship, I couldn't have been happier.

Alaya lay back on the pool noodles, hooking her legs around my hips. "Well, if we're going to have a lot of kids, you better get back to practicing how to make them!"

I grinned down at her before lining my hard shaft up with my entrance. Moving slowly, I eased the tip in, then gently kept going. We'd learned quickly that pool water doesn't help with lubrication at all, so going slow at first helped a lot. But once Alaya got going, we built up a steady rhythm, our eyes locked on one another as the water started to churn into a froth around our bucking hips.

"I love you so much, Alaya." I told her as our bodies merged.

"Mmmm, and I love you, papi!"


A/N - Mas papi! Estoy tan cerca! - More daddy! I'm so close!

Well, we hit the end. I hope you enjoyed it, and if so, feel free to check out some of my other books (I think I have 30+ by now?) so maybe some more will be what you're looking for. Have a great day!

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