Chapter 11

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The beginning of the flight wasn't easy. I was ready to turn around and kill the minister, and Alaya was still shaken up from the encounter. The worst part was that I knew I should have been just as angry with myself, because I should have known that such a thing was possible. I just never expected it so blatantly, nor in such a public setting. If I hadn't seen that little piece of foil fall, what would have happened? I couldn't even imagine, and it had me shaking.

All I could do was sit on the plane's couch and hold Alaya, which was precisely what I was doing, though it seemed like a feeble gesture. Seriously, that asshole should have his fingers broken and his dick stomped on. I did take the time to send a message to Anna about what had happened, because I wanted to make sure if she sent anyone else after I left, they were aware of what he was capable of.

"Gracias, Kian," Alaya murmured into my neck as the plane climbed higher into the clouds. "I really needed you, and you were there."

"I was there too late," I muttered. "I should have never let him touch you at all!"

"No! Don't blame yourself! He was the creep that tried, and you're the one that stopped him." She burrowed herself into my neck and wrapped her arms around me, squeezing tightly, as though she might drift away.

"I still shouldn't have let you be alone with him. I promised to keep you safe, and I fucked it up."

"I was in the bathroom!" she pointed out. "I wasn't alone with him until he decided to make it happen. It wasn't your fault that he went into the women's room to find me, that was all on him. You got there in time to stop him from touching anything more private, and I can't thank you enough for that."

"It won't happen again," I promised. "I'm not leaving you alone to be hurt."

She started laughing a little, then looked up at me. "Are you going to start following me into the women's room too? Join me in the shower? Keep me in your bed?"

I opened my mouth to reply, but I was already blushing. I knew she was kidding, but she did have a point. Well, not entirely. "You've already been sharing my bed, so I guess that part is covered."

Now it was her turn to blush, and she ducked her head back into my chest before sighing. "Yes, you do have a comfortable bed, and I should warn you now that I'm going to keep sharing it, so no inviting ladies over."

I would take snuggles with Alaya instead of spending a night with a random woman, even someone like my occasional partner, Viola, in Rome, so that was an easy promise. "Trust me, you're the only one I want in my bed." She stiffened in my arms, and I realized what that could imply, but I decided not to correct the statement. It was true, after all, and though we said we'd take it slow, if things progressed to a point where she was sharing it for more than sleep, I'd be thrilled. But there was no way I could offer that after such a horrid dinner.

"I guess I better start changing our reservations to one bedroom suites then, huh?" she said softly, as though testing me.

"That sounds like a good plan. That would be all we'd need, though we'd lose a bathroom."

"Then sharing the shower might have to happen too!" She poked me in the ribs, making me flinch, but I was hoping she meant that could happen some time.

"I don't think you'd hear complaints from me!" Now it was my turn to tickle her a little, and she wiggled delightfully in my arms, her small giggles becoming laughter as I kept going.

"Okay! Okay! Stop!" she begged. "No showers for you, if you keep that up!" she mock scolded, her face beet red.

"I guess I better behave then, those showers could be fun."

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