I only see daylight

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(I only see daylight)

BY taylor swift
"All of you all of me intertwined

*a day later monday*

Filming officially started today for estella which meant waking up at six am. Her and jack had been together most of weekend. However she didn't know where their relationship lied. She was planning on maybe asking him later if she had time after her first day. Before she could lay in bed any longer she needed to get up and get ready to head to the set. Stella got up heading to the shower. She then put on leggings with a big sweatshirt and her Tasman uggs. She quickly put all her things she would be needing for today in her weekender bag. Before leaving she sent Jack a message.

estella is the right and jacks the left side

Hey good morning
i'm off to set but let's order in later im done at  5

Goodmorning stella
sounds good i'll come over at 5:30


After she texted jack and gathered the rest of her things she got in her car. Estella could help but feel nervous and excited. She had worked on movies before but had never been the main character.  She put on "all the girls i've loved before" by Taylor swift. The song had just been realased and she was obsessed over it. 20 minutes later Stella arrived to where they would be filming and the campers. She quickly greeted her fellow cast mates having already met they  we're all friends and her director. She wanted to prove to not only herself but the world she was a good actor and got the job even if her parents we're big time actors. Then stella headed into her trailer meeting her makeup and hair artist. Then explained the look for today and she nodded. Her new team went straight to work.

While they were doing her hair and makeup Stella was deep in thoughts. She was more then ecstatic and ready to prove herself. The show was going to about a group of friends there would be drama, plot twist, and adventures. Estella knew there would more seasons if it got renewed.Her character was very witty, adventurous, didn't seem to care about much estella thought she was kinda badass, however she was also really loving and didn't know how to show it. As she was getting her makeup done she decided to post on her instagram story.

 As she was getting her makeup done she decided to post on her instagram story

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@Estellalivleyrenolds posting to their story.


   A few hours later filming came to an end. It ended a little bit earlier then it was suppose to which was good thing. The directer gave a few notes as well that were helpful. She took off her makeup only leaving mascara.Then changed back into the  outfit from earlier. Saying goodbye to her new team  and fellow actors heading into her car. She had her  taylor, gracie, and lana playlist on when she decided to get Starbucks quickly.

"hii! Can I get a ice chia tea latte with sweet cream cold foam" estella asked politely. She then pulled up to the next window and the workers expression completely changing.

"oh my gosh i'm totally fan girling  right now" The worker said estella smiled

"hii, how are you, what's your name?" she asked

"i'm good, my names Alyssa"

"it's super nice to meet you Alyssa, you have beautiful green eyes" she said giving Alyssa her card.

"omg thank you so much, do you care if we could get a picture"

"no of course not" estella said before then got a picture

"is it okay if i post this on my instagram story"

"ofc go right ahead"

"thank you!! your so sweet, here's your chia and card"

"thanks!! bye have a good one Alyssa". she said before driving home.


Once estella got home she took a shower then getting to comfy clothes. She texted jack telling him to come over whenever. About 20 minutes later jack knocked at the door.

"Come in, it's open"

"hey watcha doing" jack asked walking through with something in his hand

"watching miss americana, what's in your hand"

"oh just some flowers" jack said seeing her face immediately lighting up.

"WHATTTTT your so sweet jack thank you babe" she said giving jack a big huge smile with a kiss on the cheek.

"what kind of food do you want to order in"

"sushi sushi" estella says sitting back down

"okay" jack says ordering. Jack was looking at her deeply admiring her features. He really liked her and maybe his friends were right. He had to do something soon.

"listen stel i really like a lot and i feel so connected to you even though i've known you for like a month, can i be your boyfriend?"

"uh yes please, i want to be your girlfriend" she said smiling.


AHHHH. There dating.... sorry this took awhile i had to write a essay that i forgot about. BUTTT i am so happy that taylor re-realsed songs. If anyone's at the eras tour HAVE SO MUCH FUN. i'm also so happy there together!!- r

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