tease your hair not me

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(tease your hair not me)

taylor swift
"you can hear it in the silence, you can feel it on the way home. You can see it with the lights out. You are in love"

Estella wakes up the next day to the bright light seeping in through the window. Stretching and yawning she looks besides her to be met with sleeping jack. A smile made its way on her face as she put her head on jacks chest. Jack let out a breath as his eyes fluttered open. He gives her a quick kiss on the forehead.

"good morning love" jack says as a he tightens his grip around estella.

"ooooo you called me love, i like that" she says giggling

"fine won't call you it anymore"

"noooooo please please do"

"i'm being sarcastic love"

"mhmmm, anyways what's the plan for today"

"pool day then i think we're doing family dinner out"

"okay sounds good" estella says as she starts to get up because it was almost ten but before she could jack pulled her back making sure to hold on tight.

"hey! it's almost ten we have to get up"

"ugh i just wanna stay a little longer"

"i know babe me too but i just met your family i need to make a good impression jack"

"you are trust me" Jack says but either way estella was still getting up.

He decided to follow her actions. The two got there bathing suits on. Estella decided on a light pink chrome bathing suit.

  The headed downstairs most of jacks family was already outside. The hughes had a boat since they lived on the lake and a pool. Once they got outside jack noticed cole, trevor, alex, and a new face for estella luke hughes his younger brother.

Immediately luke got out of the pool to greet his brother and his girlfriend. The two exchanged a bro hug before turning around to estella.

"hey i'm estella nice to meet you luke" she said sticking her hand out.

"nice to meet you as well, i hope my brother hasn't been too much of pain" Luke says shaking her hand.

"oh he definitely has been"

"what??" jack says defensively

"he knows what we mean" Luke adds smiling

The conversation ends and luke goes back into the pool with the other boys. Jack takes off his shirt and estella takes off her oversized shirt and shorts. Jack gets caught lacking by trevor when he comes up behind him slapping the back of his head.

"Hey man what was that??"

"you know what"

"stel do you want sunscreen"


"yes or you'll be fried"

"ugh fine but will do my back"


Jack finishes and the two head over to pool. Immediately stella just jumps right in. All the boys shoot her a "she did that" look.

"what? what did i do?" she questions nervously

"um you just jumped into the water" alex says


"i was thinking she would just lay out by the pool you know put her feet in" luke says the other boys agree jack still standing.

"one it's hot two i was not about to sit out"

"hmm maybe she isn't just all Hollywood" Trevor adds

"hollywood?" she asks

"she's definitely not" jack says defending his girlfriend.

"i just figured she would tan not want to get her hair wet"

"nah i don't really care" Stella says before jack is jumping in.
"plus you get way more tan in the water"  Estella says smiling and laughing. Ellen who was sitting in the shade reading laughs.

"there it is" Alex says.

The group let's out a few laughs. They all begin to play some game in the water estella didn't know of but was trying her best to understand. Eventually the day went on and soon dinner would be happening.

The three boys left as jack, quinn, luke, and estella went to get ready. Once back into his room jack gave estella a big hug.

"what's that for" she asks

"nothing i just wanna be by you"

"does this help" Estella asks as she combs her fingers through his hair. Jack nods
"this?" Estella says kissing over his face. Jack nods again.
"and what about this?" She asks once more now the two making out. A minute later she pulls away having to shower.
"i gotta shower babe"

"your such a tease stel"

"unless you care to join me" she adds slipping into the connected bathroom. Jack follows her like a kid into a white van. The two undress getting into the shower.


HHEHEH! hope y'all liked bye bye i wanna update again today so i'll try my best! Byeeee

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