Old tales

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The next morning jacks eyes flutter open to his beautiful girlfriend laid down next to him with her arm slung his bare chest. Jack lifted up his arm from under her waist before tucking estella's hair into her ear. Slightly stirring estella awake.

"Hi" she whispered eyes fluttering snuggling her body back in jacks.


"i have a plan"she smiled

"and what is it...?"

"i wanna show you around. You know where i grew up, around the island"

"i'm in. Does this mean. get to hear about your adventures?"

"ha ha very funny." she sarcastically states

A few short hours later after breakfast and pool side conversations the two are ready for their day.

As jack hung outside She got ready deciding on a white/cream roper with some light blue converse also tying her hair up. Once ready she went to her balcony just taking in a momment. As well as this was her home for some of her life, it was also her place to go when she needed it. The way the air smelled, the way it all looked, everything about the place she loved. She wanted to show jack, where she grew up and why she loved it so much. It meant a lot to her for him and his family to be there.

"ready?" she yelled seeing as he was in view of her balcony.

"yep, now come on down pretty girl" Estella nodded smiling and did jusy that.

"alright where to first" jack asked as they walked out of the house towards the car.

"this way" she state motioning her arm to the smaller garage.

"here" she handed him a dark blue beach bike. Jack looked confoused making her giggle

As estella grabbed her own purple beach bike "if i'm gonna show you everything we have to do it with bikes no expetions"

"but babe.."

"no buts, stuff it is that far trust me i have my own ways"
"plus your a pro hockey player i think you'll be fine"

The couple both get of there bikes opening the gate and taking the first turn to a narrow path that lead them to the main downtown hamptons. With all the shops, restaurants, beach acces, and tourist for miles.

"put your bike here" she instructed him. And he did jusy so.

"if it gets a lot tell me okay?"

"i wanna see where you grew up and hear about it"

"okay" she nodded as he took her hand leavinv his in between.
"then let's go lover boy" she giggled

There first stop was going to be food of course. More specifically a diner estella often ventured to if she didn't feel like eating what the nanny prepared or if she was just starving.

Over the years of her coming she had grown rather closer to the top chef. He gave her free meals whenever he could knowing a little girl didn't have much money even though her parents did. However estella did pay with her piggy bank even bringing the pigging bank a couple of times.

She walked in front of jack as she began to look around the familiar place. Part of her felt guilty she hadn't came by in a few years seeing that the place had changed. Estella looked more beyond the door telling they still served all italian food but had upgraded many things.

"hi can i help you?" a dark haired waitress asked coming around the corner.

"hi, i was wondering if jimmy piro is still here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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