new year, new kidnapping

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(new year, new kidnapping)

"Please don't ever become stranger. Whose laugh I could recognize anywhere"

Saturday december 29 (day before new year's eve)

The couple had been apart for a week exactly. They were on opposite ends of the country. Javk was all the way in michigan playing hockey with his brothers. Having plenty of family game nights. Estella had huge dinners with all her family. They both had a amazing christmas and we're able spend time with their families. The two tried to factime as much as possible even if they were far apart. Jack had just gone back to new jersey for hockey. Estella was still in los angeles, she didn't leave till january second. Estella was out shopping with some of her christmas money when javk called. He had a game coming up it was in minnesota unfortunately.

"hey babe" stella asked browsing around

"hey, how's shopping going"

"eh fine want anything"

"ooo yes a nice new wallet maybe some gucci colane, hmm what else" jack adds jokingly
"anyways i leave tommorw for hockey, it auxks it's a new year's eve. I wish i was with you instead" Jack really did have hockey but not a game just practice.

"ugh i know me too. New year's eve is so fun. You would been able meet my hometown friends and more my family to but your in stupid minnesota".

"i know no new years kiss this year. I'll facetime you though."

"yeah yeah"
"i gotta go babe time for shopping!!" estella cheers

"okay bye stel"

"byeeeeeeeeee" stella says hanging up.


She gets up grabs her lipgloss. Making her down the stairs she waves goodbye and hops in her car. She put on her driving playlist going to meet up with her friends from home. Once she parked she headed over to them. The conversation was filled with laughs and catching up. The three girls were in and out of stores also getting something to wear the annul lively and renolds new year's eve pary. Ever since estella could remeber there had be one. All her family even extended family went so did family friends, celebrities, any friend of the family. The three were in a store specially looking for new year's eve outfir.

"omg stel get this!!!" said her close friend xana picking up a nice dress that was short sparkly maron with on open back and black tights attached. The party was mostly fancy.

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