just actually beginning to like you

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(just actually beginning to like you)

BY taylor swift
"I know that you like me, and it's kinda frightening. Standing here waiting, waiting and I became hypnotized by freckles and bright eyes. Tongue tied, but now your so far away".

For the next few chapters there gonna be a date at the top of chapters because i don't want to confuse people :))
Saturday the 22nd of December

The last few days have been a blur for estella. She was on set both days, her mom tagging along. Then at night she saw jack. It was nice to say the least having her mom with her. It was three days till christmas which meant her and her mom would be going back to los Angeles today. Estella would be there for christmas through new year's eve visiting her family.

It was bright and early blake and estella were getting ready for the airport. Blake only had her suitcase from visiting her daughter so not to much. However estella had a huge suitcase, she tended to overpack. The two were being taken to the airport by jack. It was about 6 am and jack was about to be there. Once stella got the text jack was at her apartment, her and her mom went into jacks car.

"hi" said jack smiling. Estella gave him a smile in return. It was way to early for her. The rest of the car ride was filled with comfortable silence. Once then arrived at the airport jack got out helping them with their suitcases. Before blake headed in to check her and her daughter in she decided to say something even if she was half asleep. Livley girls were not morning people.

"bye jack!! it was so nice to meet you" blake said giving jack a hug, he gladly accepted hugging her back. With that she headed it to check herself and stella in. Jack notice estella had been quiet and looked sad.

"hey baby it's okay" jack said hugging his girlfriend tight.
"i'll see you soon, it will go by quick"

"ughhhh, i don't like goodbyes"

"i know i know it suck's" jack still held her in a hug. Estella had one tear drop before jack quickly whipped it away. She knew the two had only been dating for almost a month but it was to sad. They had almost spent every day together.

"you gotta go babe" jack said but still hugging her

"i know i know. to think i was just starting to like you" stella said jokingly making jack smack her butt from the hug. There was no paparazzi thank god because it was so early. The couple pulled away. Stella grabbed her suitcase, she was about to walk off but before she did jack grabbed her hand. He pulled her into a nice kiss before she left.

"bye bye don't miss me to much" stella said walking away

"bye stel" with that he drove to practice. He didn't leave until tomorrow


    Stella and her mom arrived home early because they left new york at 6 am and la is 3 hours back. Blake was very tired. The two we're waiting for there driver to pick them up. Once there were picked up they headed for  the families home. All estella could think was how nice it was to be home. She would be able see her sisters, dad, and other family members.

"OH MY GOSH STEL" her two sisters screamed running to hug there older sister. Followed by her dad coming give her a hug as well. Her and her family caught up the rest of the day. It was so nice being back. She loved new york but her family wasn't there. Few hour had gone by and she decided go upstairs and unpack. While she was unpacking she decided to call jack.

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