your more stubburn than my toe

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(your more stubborn than my toe)

BY Idina Menzel and Micheal Bublé
"baby it's cold outside. Ah you're very pushy you know? I like to think of it as opportunistic"

*1 week till to christmas"

      It had been two days since the two finally made things official. However, the two had been very busy past days. Jack was in the hockey arena with long exhausting practices. Stella was on set but they had more day before they stopped production until after break. Jack wanted to do something tonight. He decided he was gonna take estella out on a date first time as boyfriend and girlfriend.

Estella was ecstatic to say the least. She hasn't had a boyfriend in 2 years. After her last relationship she immediately closed herself off. Thing's we're far different with jack. She would be leaving soon for la to spend christmas with her family, she assumed jack would go back to Michigan. Estella was gonna miss jack even though that had just begun dating.

The time was 4:17 and jack was picking up estella at six so she needed to start getting ready. The girl hooped in the shower. She made sure to shave everywhere quite litterallly everywhere. Estella was practically laying down, putting her leg on the wall, and doing any possible position you could think of. Once she was done with the shower she began to blow out her hair curling the ends up ever so slightly. Thirty minutes later she started her makeup. She did her makeup quickly because jack was on his way. Before she could finish her makeup jack rang there doorbell.

"COME ON IT BABE ITS OPEN" she said yelling still finishing up her makeup

"hey pretty girl" jack says walking into her room placing a kiss on her cheek. She instantly got butterflies. No matter how many times he did that, she would never get use to it.

"sorry i'm late, it took me awhile to shower" she turned around taking in her man. Emphasize HER MAN.
"damnn babe, you look good" she says tapping his ass.

"Thanks stel but was the butt slap necessary?"
"no need to apologize, I came early for a reason I had to see bea and ronan."

"oh mhm i see how it hughes" she said looking for an outfit now that she was done with her makeup. She stares blankly at her closet not knowing at all what to wear. Jack notices so he decides to walk up behind her putting his arms around her waist and head on her shoulder. Turning her around they make eye contact, they both lean on for a kiss. The kiss is filled with passion and hunger for more. Estella breaks fighting the urge the best she can.

"babe babe, i would love to do this but I need pick and outfit we need leave soon"

"wear that" jack points to light sparkly pink dress with an open back.

"hmm okay" she says beginning to change. Jack hoops on her bed playing with bea. He didn't want to look to make her uncomfortable.

"you can look werido, your my boyfriend" he liked to hear that come out of her mouth. He turned around and faces her admiring her.

"Can you clip this together please" she asks almost ready needing her strapless bra to be clipped.

"Of course"  She made sure to have her bra fall. Jack saw but knew she did by purpose. He knew what she was doing.

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