poison ivy

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(poison ivy)

"You're my lover boy. My stay in bed under the covers boy. My only you and no other boy"


A few days later Estella, gracie, and Madelyn all walked into estella's shared apartment together to grab the rest of her stuff before they all head off for the summer together. Estella decided to invite gracie and madleyn with her to f1 then her summer home for the summer. The girls were extremely happy and excited as well as trevor was too. Trevor especially since he had a thing for Madelyn. He had been invited by jack as well as cole and alex. All of them would be going to f1 and the sumemr house and jack and estella's family to the renyolds house in the Hamptons.

Luckily for them ivy wasn't there. Estella looked around the place seeing how messy and gross it was with a frown on her face. The window shades had been torn down as well as old food sat in the sink.

"alright let's go see your room and hope poison ivy didn't mess it all up" Maddie says making them all burst out into laughter.

As they walk in her room suprisinly it's all in order, just the way estella had left it. Estella was grateful she has a nice landlord and that he understood the situation letting estella leave the apartment not having to pay rent anymore.

The three girls grabbed all the boxes packing up everything as quick as possible. They decided to make two piles of boxes. One with all the most important stuff that didn't need to be at jacks or with her during the summer that would be put into storage. The other boxes would be for the stuff she was taking to jacks and neeeded for the summer. Most of her stuff was going in the first box since she felt she didn't need lots of house things only important stuff like her cats things. Which ronan and bea had be staying at jacks since a few months ago because she brought them over so often.

All of her furniture that wasn't needed in the new house was going to be left and then other peices of decorations or furniture the girls moved into estella's car to be put into storage.

Estella's clothes, shoes, and accessories were the hardest part. Gracie was sitting on the suitcase's in the which the stuff was in for them to shut. Madelyn was laughing her ass off as Gracie still just kept jumping on it hoping it would shut
all of her clothes, shoes, and accessories in the suit cases.

"okay stel i love you dearly but do you really need this much clothes and shoes?!!" gracie laughed finally getting the 8th suitcase shut clapping her hands together.

"yes, yes i do! I don't want to put any of my stuff i wear into storage since i'm trying to only put everything in storage besides my necessities"

"and this taylor swift shirt from 2010 is a necessity?" Madelyn asks laughing seeing the speak now cover on the shirt that rested on the suitcase.

"YES?!!! HELLO THATS GOLD" estella shouts.

The girls pack up the car of all the boxes for storage and jacks then estella's suitcases full of clothes,shoes, and accessories.

Estella decides to take one last look at her room seeing it all empty besides her nightstand with one last thing on it. Estella walks over grabbing the picture frame with a sweet smile across her lips. Smiling at the sweet memory of her and jack. She remembered the exact momment this picture was taken, right before he went to walk her up to her apartment after there first real date. It was crazy for her to believe her and jack have almost been dating for two years. She knew she would either love with him for the rest of her life or would love him even if they weren't together. The more she thought about it before her two friends walked in the fight between her and jack had proved she wanted to be with him forever through everything. Her thoughts came to a hault  as her friends walk in.

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