Chapter Two | Old Friends

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| Two Years Later |
Age: 11

Waking up sucks. You didn't have anywhere to go, unless it's to work. You worked at this bread and sweets shop, and you can never afford to be late. Your parents died when you were about 8, when they ventured into the outside world but never came back. The owner of the bakery, 15 year old Adrian, (your friend since you were 10) let you live in the little apartment up above the bakery. He lived in a house, so you were co-owner when he was gone.

You woke up all dazed, tired and messy. Sheets everywhere, dirty handkerchiefs on the floor after market-bought sandwiches, your apron still on you, and your white fluffy kitten, Mallow was sleeping on your head. Someone knocked on your door. "WHATTTTTTTTTT!" You managed to groan out.

"[Name]!! Annie's here again!" Adrian said, waiting for your reply on the other side of the door. You groaned again to let him know to let her in. You've known Annie since you were 10. When you moved to Trost, you saw her get bread by Military Police superiors. You then asked her directions to the Child Gathering place, and then you just became friends. It's been one year since you met her, and she joined the 104th Trainee Division the day you met her. She visits you sometimes now, and this was probably the fifth time she has this year. She opened the door and closed it. She was wearing her training jacket, hoodie, and the rest of her uniform. Her expression on her face was expressionless, and she simply sat on your filthy bed. You slowly sat up, running your fingers through your [h/l], [h/c] tangled hair.

"How's the easy life?" She asked, lifting up Mallow and petting her sleeping body. You scoffed.
"It's not that simple." You replied. "I barely know how to make bread and I have to clean this place everyday." She raised her eyebrow and gave me a, 'my-work-is-much-harder-then-yours look. You sighed. "How's the training?"
"It's stupid. The people annoy me, the food is shit. I just need to make the top ten to make it into the MP's."
"You probably will. Since you told me you're the best in hand-to-hand combat and stuff," you yawned out.
"Maybe." She said, still petting Mallow. Minutes of silence filled the filthy room, but she broke it. "You should train."
"Me? Hah, nice one. I'm not good for that stuff."

"I'm serious, [Name]," she said, obviously serious. She looked at me dead in the eye, while I did the same. "You'll be an advantage. You had dreams of the Scout Regiment, you told me a year ago. You said you'll follow this guy that was your friend."

You practically choked on your own spit. "Eren," she continued. Looks like she remembered the name you've told her. "He's there, you know. Mostly with his petite friends, Mikasa and Armin."

You barely remembered Eren. His facial looks, his hair, it was a slight blur. The only thing you could make out of him was his eyes. Were Green? You were pretty sure they were green...maybe? You barely even remembered Mikasa or Armin too. How good friends they were. It's all lost, now. "That was all child talk," You said, laughing it off. "I would totally join the MP's with you. Or even the Garrison."

"In two years it will be open again. Join the 105th Trainee Division," Annie stated, putting your kitten down. You nodded as in saying, 'fine'. "I brung someone with me, I almost forgot." Your eyes widened.

Is it Armin? Mikasa? EREN? "Who is it?" You asked, trying to keep calm.

"Clean your room, get dressed, then come downstairs. I told Adrain to keep up a conversation with him." Annie commanded, leaving the room to join the others.

You quickly did what you were told. You took a shower, got dressed into brown shorts, and a white button up. You rolled the sleeves up until they were resting above your elbows. You did your hair, cleaned up the mess as quickly as you could, and headed downstairs to the bakery. You saw Adrian, Annie... And...

ARMIN?!! "ARMIN?!" You shouted loudly. Armin looked at you and his face was so happy it was like he was reading his outside world books all over again.

"[NAME]!" He said back. You practically ran up to him (he was about five inches taller than you) and jumped on him. You wrapped your legs around his waist and held his neck. Your face was buried in his shoulder.

"OH MY GOD I MISSED YOU SOOO MUCH!" You exclaimed. Armin laughed and hugged you back. He whispered in your ear.

"Eerrr... [Nickname]... I'm gonna tip over," he said. You quickly got off of him.
"Oh hah, sorry!" You said, still excited. "How are you? How's Mikasa and Eren?"
"I'm fine... Just all caught up in training. Mikasa and Eren are doing great, how are you?"
You smiled at the good news. "I'm doing great!" Armin smiled.
"You know," he started. "Eren keeps on blabbing his mouth on and on about you." You blushes lightly.
"Really?" You managed to ask. He nodded.
"Everyday: 'Oh, [Name] this, oh [Name] that, I wonder where [Name] is, do you think [Name] is okay? I wonder if [Name] has a boyfriend, oh sorry, say that again I was just thinking about [Name].' Exedra." You started to giggle.
"Oh, Armin, how can you put up with him?" You joked. He rolled his eyes playfully.
"I don't even know anymore," he stated, chuckling.
"Why didn't he come and visit with Mikasa?" You asked politely.
"He sucks with 3DMG training so he's practicing."

The conversation was endless. Being with a childhood friend really made the room go bright. Annie joined in after a while, and you and them were discussing how you would join the 105th Trainees. Armin was looking forward into seeing you if he had the time when he chose his branch, and you found out he was joining the Scouts. You made your decision.

In two years, you'll join the Trainee's. Not only that, but you were aiming for the Scout Regiment.

Goodbye, easy life.

Authors Note: How do you guys like chapter two? I hope you do like it! The math for aging and stuff got me off guard XD Like you were 9 and two years later that's 11, and you have to wait two more years to start training so then you're 13 , then three years of training makes you end up at 16 and then Eren will be 17 sooooo yeahhhhh XD Can't wait to keep writing this!

BYEEEEEEEE ~Jennifer ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

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