Chapter 5 | The King Has Arrived

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"Hm?" He asked in response, still rubbing the spot that Jean gutted. He didn't look at you, but just closed his eyes in "extreme" pain.

You punched yourself in the ribs lightly.

Without warning, Burgundy walked on off, bobbing his head. "W-wait!" You said, struggling to stop. You were so lost in your thoughts that you lost your left stirrup and fell over. You landed on your ribs, and on the side. Since Burgundy was only 15 hands high, it didn't really hurt you, but you felt more tired.

"Oh, god! I'm so sorry..." Eren said from about ten yards away. He ran up to you and hoisted you up. "Are you broken?" When he asked that, you lifted your head up, and studied him. It was him. The hair, face shape, clumsiness, big-ass turquoise eyes. His eyes got smaller and smaller, and you realized that he was widening them. His mouth opened to speak.

"I knew a girl... just like you," he said. His breath smelling like the honey bread that you used to sell in the bakery with Adrian, and it felt like a hot, summer breeze. "We loved each other until humanity was coming to its peak..."

"He told me before he disappeared to remember his eyes..." you immediately whispered.
"I dreamt all night of her when I left..."
"He saved me from the loneliest nights..."
"She was the warmth. Not the sunset..."
"He was my king..."
"She was my angel..."
"[Name]?" Your voices synchronized when you said each others name at the same time. You couldn't help it. Tears started to gather in your eyes, and they slid down your soft cheeks. You grinned a little and the tears kept coming and coming.

"You-you're back," you whispered, obviously really happy. You started to have flashbacks of you and him. Him guiding you through the streets when you got lost, him proposing to practice. Him kissing your cheek and asking if he was doing it right. Him and Armin arguing with you just observing. Him trying to knit something with his mother. Him when he found you, starring at the sunset. Him planning a beautiful wedding. You and him... in his bedroom... heat all around them and-

What the hell, [Name]? You asked yourself. That never happened, ughh my dirty mind... That's so disgusting... I-I mean, ahh screw it. You shook your head which made more tears fall down.

"[Name]," he said softly. "It's been six years..." He stared into your moist [Eye Color] orbs. He gently wiped your cheeks to get rid of the tears, but they kept falling. He tried to stop them by wiping your cheeks every few seconds. "My angel in training..."
"Eren," you said, still sobbing. Quickly, you moved your body close to him and hugged his body furiously, refusing to let go any time soon. He was muscular, taller, no longer the cute innocent boy in Shiganshina. He was seriously hotter, and braver. You felt his hands on your waist as he pulled you closer to him, and apparently on top of him.

You guys were still on the ground, him on his knees and you on top of his thighs. "I've heard so much about you," you started. You split every single one of your thoughts to him. "All these years your face got blurrier and blurrier and my memory was getting foggy. Your Titan ability and popularity in the Survey Corps-I heard it all. Armin visited me and told me you ranted on and on about me and I doubted it. I thought you forgot about me and I couldn't think straight. The whole time I just wanted you to live on, and focus on your dreams. I didn't want to be greedy and hold you back to just be a weak little boy hat will grow up to an unknown villager. I-I loved you so-s-so..." You cut yourself off when your throat got tighter from the tears spilling.

"[Name]..." He whispered in your ear, holding your waist tighter. "Armin was right. I always wondered about you. I thought of you as your age right at this moment, looking more angelic then before. I missed your heartbeat, your face, your warmth." You giggled nervously between your sniffles. You dug your head in his chest, which smelt like his Scouting jackets leather.

"My best friend is back," you smiled, while you sniffled again.

"AWWEEE, LOOK AT YOU TWO LOVE BIRDS!" Someone said, pulling both of your heads apart. You looked up to see the guy who gutted Eren. Jean.
"J-Jean...shut up," Eren muttered, gushing. You blushed.
"We're just friends..." you said quietly.
"Really?" Jean said, smirking. He talked louder and louder with every word he said. "I don't think 'just friends' cuddle with each other in public whispering 'I love you so much' in their ears."

"Fuck off, Jean!" Eren exclaimed, slapping Jean's hand away from his grip on his hair. Jean let go of your hair as well. He lifted your chin up, making you stand right in front of him. He still had that silly smirk on his face.
"If you're 'just friends', then you shouldn't mind that I would do this!"
"Jean! DON'T-" it was too late for Eren to finish his sentence. Jean kissed you passionately, still holding your chin up. You closed your eyes, and suddenly thought it Eren kissing you. You pressed against him for more, wanting to explore-

You were ripped away from your moment when Eren kicked Jean's shin. "Damn, Jeager." Jean growled.
"I told you to fuck off," Eren retorted.
"Don't have to be all jealous..." he walked away, laughing to himself. You were embarrassed. You turned red and quickly wiped your lips with the back of your hand. It was silent for a while, when you realized that you were supposed to be on Burgundy.
" should get on," Eren said, smiling nervously, scratching the back of his neck.
You nodded and giggled. You looked up at Burgundy, just standing there, scratching it's leg with its head.
"Uhm... Eren... can you go on with me? I-I'm not the best at riding." You were honestly afraid to go back on because you fell off, and you never really rode a horse alone. Adrian was in front of you in the saddle all the time.

He laughed and got on Burgundy. He took the reins and offered you a hand. "I know you're lying. I always see it in your eyes and the way you pick at your nails. But I'll get on with you anyway." He hoisted you up, behind him on the saddle. He kicked. "Wanna canter?" You laughed.

"I never cantered before!"
"Come on, [Nickname] it will be fun! Just hold on, though." You nodded and held his chest. You felt one of his legs slide back and one slide forward. Burgundy trotted fast, then Eren kicked her. "Come on, babyyyy..." He made kissing noises at her. She started to canter, and it felt quite nice. "There you go! That's it!" She started to go really fast, bouncing. He rode through the hills, and dodged the other riders. You held Eren more tightly.

"E-Eren, we're going really fast!"
"That sounds sexual," he said, laughing. You blushed.
"Oh god, what have you turned into?" you said back, grinning.

It was sunset, and you honestly didn't want the moment to end. Eren, you, a horse, and the sun was enough to make your dreams come true.

Authors Note: Oh god that chapter was long xD I hope you guys liked it!! In my visuals while writing this, Eren is just so adorable 😂😂 stay tuned for the next chapter!!
BYEEEEE ~Jennifer( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

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