Chapter 7 | Cleaning and Dreams

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"Alright," Levi sighed, completely bored. It looked like touring the Scouting HQ's interior looked like the worst job ever. "Here is obviously the hallways which the dorms are in." He walked forward quite fast, and you had to keep up. "Below is the Mess Hall, up another level is offices for Commander and shit, and here is your room." He walked up to a tall, wooden door in the corner of all the others.

"Thank you, sir." You said quietly.
"Uh, Captain Levi, sir?" Eren questioned.
"W-what are we doing today, exactly?"

This is when Levi turned around to face Eren completely. He had to look up, which you thought was pretty hilarious, but Eren looked like he just tore Captains cravat in half. "Well, you are going to clean the whole second floor with Ms. [Name]. You do an incompetent job, and I'm not impressed, for there you are such an amateurish soldier and inadequate of cleaning and doing your real job. That's why [Name] will help you with your problems."

Armin started to crack up behind his mouth, even though you didn't understand half of those words. Eren looked like he just got shot. Levi turned away and Armin followed, still laughing. Mikasa ran to Armin so they could both do their duties outside in the stables. Eren was still looking in the direction where Levi was, looking hurt and shocked as ever.

"I can't do anything," he muttered.
You started to clean a wall. "Of course you can! You were brave enough to train when I was left at the side of the road."
"I picked the wrong choice and left you."
You were silent. It's actually pretty awkward to talk to him for the first time in years, and it was hard to re-paint the faded friendship. "I could've came."
He didn't respond, but he just kept working on the floor. Looking at him made you feel tingly on the insides. Everything just gushed and it was like melted candy land with a side of hot Eren. Wait, what?

The way his brown locks waved, the way he looked like when his sleeves were rolled to his elbows, the way he looked like he's about to kill a Titan when he can't get dirt off the floor, the way his eyes get bigger than smaller when he talks, the way he gets on his hands and knees-
"[Name]? [Name]....? [Name], what are you doing?" You snapped back into reality and saw your hands in midair, ready to wipe a wall. You lost balance right away when your legs felt numb and was aiming toward Eren, on the ground. You tried your best to move away so you didn't land on him, and you didn't. Entirely. You dropped to your knees and your hands were holding the ground, bordering his legs. You were looking directly at his-

"[Name]? Are you okay?" Eren asked.
You blushed red and backed away into a corner. "I-I'm fine. J-just cleaning..."
"I can't believe we reunited after such a long time," Eren said.
"Huh? Oh, y-yeah... it's kind of awkward," you said, turning even more red.
"You're right." He paused. "Listen, about what Armin said about me saying a bunch of things about you-"
"Oh it's totally fine," you laughed it off, anxiety running in your mind. "I-I like your-" you stopped yourself when you realized what you were doing.
Don't confess your love, dammit! Too soon and too awkward!

"Huh?" Eren asked, wanting to know more.
"I-I I'm just so- I just reallylikeyoureyesokayIhavetoleavenow," you rushed through your words and ran away, tripping, but then recovering to run even more faster.
The day's dragged on. From going to an expedition to just doings yard work. Nothing fancy and nothing not cliche. Usually you would go and join Daisy in things, but you stayed with your squad most of the time. Petra, Oluo, Gunther and all the others were somewhat nice to you, but nothing too special. You fell asleep at the present night and dreamt.

"Eren, can I ask you a question?" You asked.
"Of course, [Nickname]."
"When will our marriage be held?"
"I'm not sure yet, [Nickname]. Where ever you like." Eren lay back on the tree, snuggling you closer. "We're already engaged, so we would have to think fast," he said, intertwining his fingers into yours. You stared into his warm, turquoise eyes and smiled. The sun was setting, and everything was just perfect. Until the sun touched the ground.
"Eren?" You asked, eyes locked in the sun. He didn't respond. "Eren!" You tried again. No answer. The sun was forming into a larger fire, coming closer to your twitching, numb feet. The grass felt hot and you could barely breathe.
You finally managed to turn your eyes to where he was, but instead of him holding your hand, it was something else. It was hard, cold and was cutting your blood circulation off. The scene shifted and you were suddenly in a dark room on a bed. Splotches of blood stream down the walls and turquoise wedding rings break apart and fall on the ground.
"EREN!" You cried. You felt pain all over your wrists, ankles, chest, stomach, feet and hands. "EREN!"

"EREN!" You cried aloud, lifting your head up from your pillow. You were sweating like crazy, hair a mess, and you were holding some random broken wood from your bed set. You hoped Eren didn't hear you, and you lay your head back down. It was dark, probably 3 A.M.
Your door creaked open and you saw a silhouette of a boy with messed up hair.
"[Name], are you alright?" It was Eren. Fuck.
"I'm fine," you said. Your eyes adjusted to the dark and you saw Eren and his eyes glowing in the moonlight from the window.
"Did you call my name?"
"I-Er... No."
"Oh. Alright. Well, uh, goodnight," Eren said, turning back.
"Eren, w-wait." He turned back and raised an eyebrow. "Will you stay with me?"


He suddenly smiled. "You still have those nightmares?" You blushed.
"NO! It was a nice dream, actually. But it got crashed by... yeah, you win, a nightmare." He
closed the door and slipped into your bed next to you.
"What was it about?"
"Uh, Er... Just... I forget," You whisper.
"Was it about me?" Eren asked.
"No... why would you think that?" You lied, nervously.
"Because you screamed my name."
You blushed hard, but he didn't notice because of the darkness surrounding. "I screamed 'ehhhh'..." You said. He laughed and turned his head facing you.
"Goodnight," he whispered. His breath smelt like warm candles. Whenever he breathed you got a dose of him. That's what lulled you to sleep.

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