Chapter 9 | More Than Friends

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You woke up, dazed and confused. You felt hungry, tired, and stressed at the same time. You felt the bedsheets the softness and your pillow. Your head throb like it was getting pounded by a hammer. You smelt honey. You instantly shot up from the unknown bed. You remembered everything. blacking out when Eren saved you from the rape. "JEAN I'M GONNA KILL YOU-"
"Woah! [Name]! Calm down! It's just me," Eren said, sitting on a stool. I looked around and narrowed my eyes. I was in the infirmary.
"I'm pregnant, aren't I?" I said, holding my forehead.
"What?" Eren laughed. "No, Jean didn't go that far. I came to save you... and well you blacked out, and Jean collapsed on your head after I accidentally punched him, and this nurse lady said you might not remember stuff..."
"Well, I remember you... what had happened... I'm in the survey corps... humanity is on the line... Adrian and Annie... that's it."
"Do you know Mikasa and Armin?"
"Who?" You asked, completely confused. Eren went wide eyed. "You know, I think I knew you when we were younger," You said, smiling. Eren raised an eyebrow and then held your hands.
"Yes, and I'm here to stay with you when everyone is on the expedition." You nodded as he helped you up.
"So, like, we are alone here? " You asked. He nodded.
Hours past of awkward walking, chatting and remembering. you regained your memory in minutes, once you saw the surroundings of the place you lived in. Captain said we had to clean rooms so we did something "useful" since we stayed behind from the expedition.
"I hate cleaning," Eren complained as he threw some clothes on the corner. He's grown to be so clumsy and weird. you loved it. Unlike Eren, cleaning really relaxed you. It took time off other things and stuff like that.
"Remember when we used to watch the sunset together?" Eren asked as you nodded.
"Yeah," you responded. It was a counsudence because you guys were watching the sunset through thee opened up window.
"Its been really awkward just meeting you for the first time in years, and I just want to say that I actually still plan the marriage through my head," he confessed, brushing his bangs out of his eyes.
You giggled. "Its kind of more awkward to say that I really want to marry you and all, because we actually understand what we're saying and it's not that cute or such a joke because we are much older... but since we're older, it could happen. I just don't want to be in this world anymore," You replied softly, thinking if the Titans will ever vanish from our world.
"[Name]," Eren said. You turned over to him as he got something from his pocket. he opened a box and showed you a gorgeous ring. "I wasn't kidding when I said I'll buy you a ring." You both laughed.
"Oh my goodness, Eren that's so thoughtful of you," You gushed.
"It isn't necessarily for a wedding, because you know, I would've got a better one for that," Eren said, laughing a little bit. "But... it could be for best friends..."
"Or, more then... Just.... Best friends," You whispered, looking up at him. He looked at me with hopeful eyes. He slipped the ring on my pointer finger slowly and carefully. He hesitated, but then held my hand. we both looked up at each other again.
We leaned in closer... and closer... as we both closed our eyes... and...

You and him then kissed. All your life, you've been planning things, saying things, but never actually did anything. Talking about Fantasy fulfilled your little minds when you and him were younger... but you didn't realize those Fantasies would come true... being together. Not with a super romantic past life with sewed dresses and plenty of meat to eat, but with bread and soup with rag clothing. Not in a sugar castle, not with a rich Queen and King that live near an ocean, not with expensive dresses and classy attitudes... but in a Titan infested world, while you shared matching uniforms and live a bloody life.

Best thing about it? It was probably the sweetest thing to do: just fall in love with someone in the middle of a war.

Now that's an adventure.

Thank you so much for reading this story! I'm so sorry if it's short. The story was actually a free-write thing where I have to make up something for each chapter without a story plot that I wrote ahead of time. That is one reason why the story was so short, plus, I'm writing another AOT fanfiction at the moment right now. It's a Levi x Reader x Eren story. (Its currently on my laptop, and it's 40 pages long!!! I'm not even half-way done writing from my plot ideas!) I hope you do read it. I think it is one of my best works I've done. I will upload it soon probably the first few chapters to get your reading adrenaline pumping! XD The story has a lot of blackmail, Pregnancy, lying, car crashes, and a lot of the reader and Levi talking French to each other *ooh lala XD* The story is called: Dares, Liars, and Two-Guy Drama
I hope you read it!
Thank you so much!!!! ~Jennifer

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