Chapter Thirty-Five: Departure

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Y/n scanned the large hallway as he, Chaewon, Minju and Minho followed an attendant to the commander's doors. The woman pushed open the grandiose entrance, revealing Chaeyeon shifting through a stack of papers on her desk.

"Here are the four you summoned."

Chaeyeon lifted her gaze. She motioned for the group to enter, prompting them to step forward. Once the doors closed, Chaeyeon selected a sheet of paper from her desk--taking a deep breath as she did so.

"We suspect a rising group of serial killers will make their next step in one of the smaller towns. You are to head there, arrest them and bring them to a nearby IZLand checkpoint. Protection of the citizens is your highest priority, and lethal force is authorized."

"Serial killers?" Minho repeated. "Why are you sending the four of us instead of people more skilled?"

"These are normal people who cannot use their Alleles effectively." Chaeyeon replied. "You guys should be more than enough to handle them."

Minho nodded, "How large is this group?"

Chaeyeon eyed her paper, "There are six in total; four combatants." She extended the paper in her hand. "This paper tells you everything you need to know. You are dismissed."

The four students bowed before exiting the room. They stopped at the building's entrance with the agreement to depart within the next hour; before the sun began to set.

Inside his house Yujin approached the boy rubbing her eyes. "Where are you going, Oppa...?"

"On a mission with Minju, Chaewon and Minho." Y/n replied. "Where were you? Mr. Shin's office?"

Yujin nodded. "He left me a letter telling me he would step out for a bit. How long will you be gone?"

"A week at most...?" Y/n trailed. "It takes a day or two to get there, then we have to walk back. And then there's the things we have to do while there."

"Mkay." Yujin trudged toward her bedroom. "I'm going to go back to sleep. Stay safe, Oppa."

"Sleep well, Yujinnie." Y/n smiled.

Y/n arrived at the western gate as the sun hit its peak. With Minho and Chaewon on one side, and Minju holding his hand on the other, the group set off on the dirt path.

"I'm going to be real..." Chaewon mumbled. "I kind of cheated on all of the geography tests we had, so you guys are going to have to help me out here."

Minho eyed the older girl, "Noona. I was the one you were cheating off of."


"Huh. You didn't cheat while we were in school." Y/n commented.

"I fell behind..." Chaewon chuckled nervously. She scratched her head with a guilty smile. "I kind of got caught up reading and forgot to study. And then it just snowballed."

"I feel you, Unnie." Minju nodded. "I was reading Banana Fish earlier this year and nearly flunked a test."

Chaewon gasped, "You too?!"

The two girls screeched causing their boyfriends to turn away from their screeches. Coincidentally, this led the two guys to exchange glances, growing smiles on their faces.

As the sun began to set, the group settled down next to the trees off the path. Chaewon poked at the small campfire while Y/n and Minho gathered materials for their temporary mats. Minju sat cross-legged near the campfire threading the fibers together until two green mats laid before her.

"Do you two mind sleeping in the same... 'bed?" Minju asked Minho and Chaewon.

"No." Chaewon shook her head. "We've done it before."

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