Pt2Ch38: The Borders

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Y/n knocked on Baekhyun's office, earning acknowledgement from the man inside. He bowed, adjusting his glasses. "Is there another person that needs to be executed?"

"Yes, and no?" Baekhyun chuckled. "It depends on your choice. Someone's been raiding our facilities near the Starship border. They seem pretty strong, so I need you to either go out there and take care of them, or replace one of my guards at the treasure room."

Y/n pursed his lips. He examined Baekhyun's expression while pondering. For the first time in a month he could do something other than train. Meditation did wonders for both his energy manipulation and mind, but his body yearned for more.

"I can check it out," Y/n said.

"Perfect!" Baekhyun smiled. "It doesn't matter what you do. Just get them to stop."

Y/n bowed his head before making his way toward the mess hall. The open room held fewer organization members than usual, but Y/n assumed there was a celebration occurring. With a tray of food in his hands, Y/n sat himself for dinner.

Following changes proposed by the organization's researchers, Orca's food quality increased drastically. It became more flavorful, stayed warmer, and a larger selection became available.

"Are you skipping out on Sehun's birthday too?" Minju asked.

Y/n turned to the fox as she set her tray down. She wore a simple white t-shirt and dolphin shorts, cementing Y/n's assumption she had no intention of going to the surface. "Yeah. I'm not interested."

Minju scooped a portion of stew into her mouth, letting off a satisfied hum. "Me neither. I overheard you've got a job from Baekhyun."

"I've gotta go stop some people from raiding our facilities," Y/n replied. "I'm thinking of checking it out before deciding how I want to handle things."

"Where are you headed?" Minju mumbled with her mouth full.

Y/n slid Minju napkins as she spilled her food, "Starship. It'll take me a couple days max to get there. Don't know how much I'll have to do once I get there, but I guess it's a week trip at least."

"How about we do a little sparring?" Minju grinned. "I don't know if this'll be the last time I see you."

"Are you doubting me?" Y/n asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Maybe," Minju giggled.

The pair moved to the sparring rooms, filling the halls with chatter and laughter. Inside, they postured defensively; sneak attacks were not uncommon between the two when they sparred. Whoever struck first often gained the advantage for most of the session.

Minju threw a dagger toward Y/n, prompting him to catch it. He formed a buckler on his arm, spinning around to block a strike from behind. Flames flickered around Minju's arm blade, illuminating the pair's smiles.

They traded not a single word, but with their connected wellsprings, they understood each other. Excitement bubbled in Y/n's while a sense of camaraderie filled Minju's. Among those in the organization, there weren't many Minju could properly get along with-just Doyoon and Y/n.

The two boys contrasted one another like night and day. Doyoon cared only about fighting and mindlessly growing stronger whereas Y/n reserved himself to fights that mattered and growing stronger for a single goal.

"Good to see you've grown used to keeping your glasses on your face," Minju commented. She blinked in front of the boy, pulling his glasses from his face. "But it's still a weakness."

Y/n grabbed Minju's wrist, sweeping her off her feet. He pinned her to the ground, replacing his glasses with a wide grin. "It also makes it a good trap."

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