Chapter Twelve: Opportunity

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Kami extended the jade object, smiling, "I just need your permission and help with retrieving a few items."

Wonyoung sighed, lifting her sights to the sky.

"I have someone else I think we should revive."

Kami raised an eyebrow, "Who? I can't think of anyone more powerful than Hyung."

Wonyoung pointed toward the forest, "Her."

Kami turned to the lone girl resting at the border of the academy forest, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I don't get it," Kami scratched his head, "She's alive, what do you mean-"

"We should revive Kyu."

"What?! Have you gone insane, Noona?"

Kami raised the jade relic in front of his face, pointing toward it.

"With Hyung back, we won't have to worry about anything anymore!! All of our problems would become obsolete!"

The hardened assassin's voice cracked, threatening to shatter if strained further.

"Everything would go back to normal and we'd have him back..."

Wonyoung sighed, turning to the grieving Hana, "I know, but I think this is for the best."

"How?" Kami questioned, "We're talking about reviving a god."

"And we're going to put our god in a very difficult situation. if we do so," Wonyoung argued, "Hana is a ticking time bomb on the verge of exploding and wiping our country--hell the entire continent off the map right now. I can see it. We have more than enough power to stop an invasion from any country, but not her. Reviving Oppa is selfish at this point. As much as it pains me to say this, we don't need him."

Kami's hand dropped limp by his side. His eyes widened and his eyebrows furrowed upward. The boy's mouth hung agape. It quivered, as did his throat and voice.

"Wh-What are you talking about, Noona? This is Ji Hoon hyung we're talking about... The one who helps us smile--all of us smile. He's the one that saved you--me!! He shed light on our darkest days with his smile and carried the country on his shoulders without straining a muscle!!! Did something happen??"

"We need to move on, Kami," Wonyoung sighed, "He wanted to disappear. When I looked into the future after I felt the disturbance, I saw a timeline where everything happened just a second later and he knew I would. He looked exactly where I peered into the future from and smiled. He didn't say anything, but the look he gave me... He let everything happen. Reviving him would undo everything he wanted--I don't even know if it would work. Our best bet is to revive Kyu and stop Hana from running the continent over."

"How are you so sure?!" Kami huffed, "Have you looked into the future to see this??"

"Kami," Wonyoung paused, "I don't need to look into the future for this. My heart tells me that reviving him is wrong."

"And what about Hana? How are you so sure we can't stop her? You say she's going to run the continent over, but that's something only Hyung can do. Are you saying she's going to be as strong as he was?"

"No one will every become as strong as he was, but one glance at her tells me everything it needs to. She's lost everything she had and no longer has any inhibitions. She's grown strong not only from training, but her Allele awakening. Theoretically, there's nothing stopping her from halting all of our brain functions and killing us on the stop--every single one of us. You. Me. Chaeyeon unnie. Ms. Choi. Everyone. I only know this because Oppa taught me how to analyze Alleles. Of course I'm not as good as him, but I can tell. Plus, we should never take fighting one of our own as an option if we can circumvent it."

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