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Pretty little blue eyes looking at me
-Floyd Byars-


"We're back." I sighed as my feet stepped from the wooden plank on to the cobbled ground.

As I inhaled, my nose picked up the slight tangy smell that whispered around the streets. It was cut sharply by the cold mist hung in the air. My face felt the chill of the harbor and my eyes had forgotten what it felt like to peer through the fog that hugged me as I walked through the harbor.

"Ketterdam." Inej said.

"Home sweet home." Jesper smiled.

We walked step by step, shoulder to shoulder, through the streets. Although it felt good to be in a place so familiar, my eyes couldn't help but dart around every alley and window. My limbs were tense and my fists were clenched.

Anything could happen right now.

"Straight off the boat from Ravka and no one was waiting to kill us as soon as we arrived." I said suspiciously, my heart rate jumping at every shadow moving across my peripheral vision.

With my newfound Heartrender abilities, I could sense the others were just as on edge as I was by hearing how fast their hearts were thudding.

"Yay! That's a good sign." Jesper said excitedly. But despite his easy stroll and leaned back shoulders, his heart was pumping just as fast as mine. "I think I might celebrate with a little dice and debauchery." He suggested.

"No debauchery." Kaz cut him down.

"Dice then." Jesper settled.

"No dice. We have stops to make." Kaz was adamant.

"What's first? Tante Heleen?" I asked, looking over at Kaz. He stayed looking straight ahead as we turned a corner.

"We get to the Crow Club." He said.

It was only a few more minutes of walking before we came down the familiar street that led to the crow club. An ache resided in my heart to see my room. I missed my familiar bed so very much. I couldn't wait to go inside and make myself a drink and-

"Where's our sign?" Jesper's voice cut through my thoughts. My eyes traveled up the entrance of the building, seeing the silhouette of the Crow Club in front of us but the sign that hung...

"It's been replaced." My stomach dropped. "The Kaelish Prince?" I read what was written on the sign.

"What sort of name is that?" Inej scoffed.

"Dime Lions." Kaz answered, looking and recognizing the guards standing in front.

Dime Lions.... that was Pekka's crew...

"Pekka Rollins owns the Crow Club?" My eyes widened as anger bubbled in my stomach. I meant it as a question but it came out as a statement.

"Where does that leave us?" Inej had the same worry mirrored on her face.

"My suits. All my hats." Jesper whined, looking wistfully at the entrance.

"Are you saying we have no home?" I looked at Kaz, but once again he wasn't looking back at me, he was staring ahead.

Something had changed in him just now.

Something different had entered his eyes. I couldn't quite place it, but it altered his demeanor. There was a heaviness hung around him... a sort of darkness and anger.

I didn't know where it was coming from.

Kaz was either distracted or extremely focused right now.

"Split up. It's not safe." Kaz concluded. We all had barely begun to leave when a sharp whistle cut through the air.

The Bastard of the Barrel {Kaz Brekker X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now