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"Something I want to do in the future? I want to explore the Void."

Ceris stared at Lance in shock. "The most dangerous part of the End?"

He smiled slightly. "We only see it as dangerous because it is the great unknown. Our widest knowledge gap is about the Void and I want to fill that hole someday."

She shook her head at him. It was 6 AM on a Monday and this was the first thing he decided to say? "You spend too much time with your books."

"I do not!"

"If you're not researching the End Crystals, you're either at a required function or talking to me. Then you go right back to your studies."

"If I didn't care so much about you, I'd stop talking to you. Hours would be opened up to study more."

She gave him a sour look. "Lance, there are days you've forgotten to sleep!"

He sighed. "You don't have to worry so much about me."

"Sometimes its hard not to," she paused. "Isn't the Void where Arabella is supposedly hiding? Besides, most people who go there never come back."

"Oh, I see now. You're worried I'll leave you behind forever," he went over to her and took her hands. "I promise I will never do that to you."


"Yes." He leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers.

Someone loudly cleared their throat, causing Ceris to jump back. Vordus stood there, arms crossed with a raised eyebrow.

"You almost act like I did that against her will," Lance chuckled. "I almost feel like some naughty teenager getting in trouble."

Ceris laughed and pressed her forehead to his, Vordus grumbling before leaving the room.


A/N: The story continues! This is going to be the final book in the first triolgy but there is going to be a second triolgy "arc" after this one. Its a bit like Wings of Fire but in trilogies instead of sets of 5.

Like Yesterday (Book 3 of the &quot;Living Nightmare&quot; Series)Where stories live. Discover now