Chapter 10

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"Oh my god," Ceris teleported to the ground. Lance was sprawled on the End Stone, his breathing shallow. "Lance."

He lifted his head slightly to look at her, a thin trickle of blood escaping out of the corner of his mouth. "Where is he?"

"I don't..."

Echo teleported to the island's edge, peering down. "I think you threw him off the island."

"That bastard escaped..."

"I promise we'll find him," she gently lifted him slightly off the ground, settling him onto his lap. "Although is he fell into the Void, he's probably dead."


"Are you okay?"

"Me?" He smiled slightly, the Void markings shifting on his face. "Nothing several days of sleep won't fix."

Echo looked past them to the Dragonspire. "Lady Myra, are you okay?"

The red-headed enchantress stood in the doorway of the Spire, eyes closed, fingers gripping the door frame. Her head twitched once and suddenly a massive smile spread across her face, eyes opening. "He did it."

Alexis frowned. "Who did what?"

"Rain. The Endstone Crusaders. They've won. Naeus is gone for good."

Echo let out a whoop and Gwendolyn sunk to the ground with a look of relief. "Thank the gods."

Ceris turned back to Lance. "Did you hear her? It's over?"

He lifted his hand, trailing his fingers across her cheek. "And you're alive. We're all alive."

She lightly pressed her forehead to his. "Yes we are."

He grinned and then, almost hesitantly at first, pressed his lips to hers.


Two days later...

"For Notch's sake, that goes over there! Please," Hilda shouted. "Please, follow my instructions!"

Someone behind her cleared their throat and she whipped around. "Hogsworth!"

"Hilda," he smiled. "I see Ser Patrick has you in charge of cleanup."

"Unfortunately. I sound like Ser Patrick, that's how stressed I am," she dragged a hand over her face and then clapped her hands together. "Anyway! Have you figured out where you're going to go?"

"I'm not sure yet. I heard after the retreat, the Netherbane took control of the portals. Kane and Ciara are discussing the terms of the Nether's surrender?"

"Yeah. The Netherbane has really come through for us, making sure there's no stragglers."

"Huh. Well, honestly, Hilda," Hogsworth looked her in the eyes. "I was hoping I could stay here in Dreadfort. With you."

She blinked. "Uhm...yeah! I could have someone prepare a room for you."

"Make that us."

She blinked again. "Excuse me?"

"Well, you see..." He scratched the back of his head. "I kinda decided to become Blossom's legal guardian."

Hilda stared for a moment before chuckling. "I did and do not expect that all at the same time."

"Commander!" A solider ran forward. "Lyria has returned! Her companion is injured!"

Another guard ran past. "Some get Lady Azura! Quickly!"

Like Yesterday (Book 3 of the &quot;Living Nightmare&quot; Series)Where stories live. Discover now