Chapter 9

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A/N: btw, the next chapters are going to be short and somewhat choppy. Its for an effect I promise. Lol. Enjoy!


When Lance was a boy, he got himself trapped in the Overworld. During those ten years there, he was hunted, mocked, injured, drowned, and starved. But every time, Agaster pulled him from the brink of death.

Now the same person who had saved his life countless times was two seconds away from ending it.

Lance was pressed against the windowsill, Hellknight's dagger dangerously close to his face. The window's glass had been shattered, leaving nothing behind Lance's back but an empty gap and a deadly drop.

Hellknight flashed a psychotic grin. "I don't know how you survived being stabbed in the chest, but you won't survive once I drive this through your skull."

"You haven't been around to notice, but I've become a master at avoiding death." Lance made sure he was externally calm, despite the panic rising in his chest. If he fell...he could just protect himself with magic. But he couldn't stop Hellknight from stabbing him during the descent. 

His eyes locked with Ceris'. She shook her head slightly and mouthed, 'don't you dare do what I think you're planning.'

Lance's gaze flashed back to Hellknight. "Do the shadows prowl?"

His forehead wrinkled. "What--and now you're speaking in riddles."

Lance smiled. "I am, aren't I?" 

He bent backwards, pulling roughly on Hellknight's wrist, flipping the man over his head. The dagger slashed Lance's cheek before falling out of Hellknight's grasp. His hand clenched around Lance's shirt, pulling the mage with him.

Lance was free-falling from the Dragonspire.


Hogsworth finally managed to get ahold of Hilda in the weapons forge.

Her helmet was on, a fierce expression on her face. Hogsworth felt grateful that this time, he was on her side of the battlefield.

She didn't say anything until the blacksmith handed her the repaired weapon. "I assume Patrick sent you to get your orders?"

"That'd be right."

"I want you up front with me. There are multiple reasons why that we don't have time to discuss," she looked him in the eyes. But if you feel you'll be unable in the front, fighting directly against your own kind, I'll station you in the back."

That was something has had worried about. Killing his own kin, face to face. He debated her offer for a moment, then shook his head. He wasn't going to be a coward anymore. "I'll fight with you."

She smiled. "I admire that bravery. Your armor is waiting for you in the back. Meet me at the barracks in five."


"What do you mean they're gone?!" Naeus thundered. "And Blacktooth gone also!"

The messenger shrank back. "There is more, My King. The Frostbourne are moving to attack and the troops aren't ready."

"Are all of you dumb and incompetent?!" Naeus threw a scroll at the messenger. "Go and enact the defense plans. Now!"

The messenger ran out like he was on fire.


With Lyria absent, Azura was leading the Elytra Coops.

"I don't like this," Patrick said. "You've barely recovered from Naeus' last lightning strike. What if you get hit again?"

Azura adjusted her helmet. "That's the thing--I won't. I'll be extra careful, I promise."

He leaned over and took one of her hands. "Listen to me. I care about you and don't want to see you hurt."

"Don't forget about yourself."

He searched her face then leaned forward and kissed her.

The moment only lasted a few seconds, a knock sounding on the door. They pulled away as it swung open.

Agatha stood there, a look of curiosity on her face. "Sire. It is time."

Patrick nodded. "Thank you, Agatha."

She looked between them, her expression softening to a smile. "I apologize if I ruined a moment, but if this goes well, there will be peace to share together."

Azura smiled back. "Thank you. Did Nostra decide what she's doing?"

"They said they're coming to fight alongside the Endstone Crusaders, Lady Azura."

"Perfect. Let's head out."


Kane took in a deep breath. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I really wish Lance was here right now."

Ciara chuckled. "I am so telling him that when he returns."

"Don't you dare."

Ciara chuckled and Stella stepped forward. "Listen. We've only got one shot at this, so--"

"--Don't mess up," Rain finished. "Simple."

Nostra poked their head into the room. "Are you ready?"

Rain nodded. "It's time.

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