Chapter 8

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"Kane, wake up," Ciara shook him. "We made it to Dreadfort."

He blinked and sat up, wondering when he had fallen asleep. Long enough for them to get there, evidently. They climbed out. "I'm afraid I have nothing but my thanks to pay you with."

The farmer waved a hand dismissively. "Ah, don't worry about it. Just do us all a favor and save the world." He winked and flicked the reigns, the cart rumbling forward.

"I was.talking to him while you were sleeping," Ciara said. "He knows who we are. Told me all the small towns acknowledge us as heroes. Not just Rain."

"I find that slightly difficult to believe."

She grinned. "But its true. I'm apparently known as the one who stabs everything, Rain is the brute force, Stella the magic, and you're the brain."

Kane smiled. They reached the gate and found Agatha waiting there for them. "Welcome back. Rain and Stella were wondering if you would show. Come on, you're needed inside."


Lyria cracked her eyes open, Roxas pacing before her. "Are you sure this is the right place?"

"I don't understand. He should be here by now." He ran his fingers through his blond hair. "Either he's really busy or he's onto me."

"Well, lets distract ourselves. What's your mercenary name?"

"Mine? 'Roxas, Wielder of Keys'."

"What? Why?"

"Because of this." He flicked his wrist, a key-shaped dagger sliding out of his gauntlet. "Key dagger."

"How is that even possible? Or functional, for that matter?"

Roxas shrugged. "Ask the inventor of the Keyblade. I've never been one to question a weapon's functionality, I just use it. Listen, you should get more sleep. I'll wake you later."

He took to pacing again.


Echo sat up with a gasp, the dim light of the End reaching her eyes.

Dead Piglins scattered the floor. Kralos was in a heap, neck broken. Ceris was pressed against the wall, breathing hard, Zeganirn crouched defensively beside her.

Echo watched Lance slowly get to his feet, a spiderweb of black woven over the left side of his face. Snowdrop and the Shadow Wrath were nowhere to be seen. 

Vordus' body lay on the floor. He looked like he was sleeping.

Hellknight stood at the window, his back to them. "It's not that simple, you know. If anything, you did part of what I was sent to do."

"He chose to make that sacrifice, which is why you're still alive," despite his torn clothing and bloodied skin, Lance was radiating a sense of power. "This needs to stop, Agaster."

"That's not my name."

"We both know it is."

"THAT IS NOT MY NAME!" In a movement so fast Echo could barely follow it, Hellknight lunged at Lance with a dagger. Lance calmly grabbed both of Hellknight's wrists.

The dagger was inches away from his face.


Patrick looked around at everyone seated at the table. Azura was to his right, all four Endstone Crusaders to his left. Hilda sat at the opposite end from him. Hogsworth leaned against the wall.

No one had heard from Lyria yet. As far as they knew, she was still with the mercenary boy.

Patrick realized the only person truly missing was Daryll.

He got to his feet. "Friends. We have come a long way to get where we are now. Through the losses and gains, the deaths and the recoveries. We have endured.

"Even now, with the most dangerous battle on our doorstep, we endure. We might be facing a figure of pure Netherite, but we have something they don't--the End Crystals.

"We are lacking Lance's guidance, yes, but I know we will win this war. Once and for all. Now. What is our status report?"

"The Nether is marching in and camping southside," Azura replied. "They are able to attack at any given time."

"I have soldiers stationed on all borders and any points of vulnerability. The rest of the troops are on standby," Hilda looked up. "They await orders, Sire."

Patrick turned to Hogsworth. "Share your thoughts."

The Pigman blinked. "Naeus plans well. He has orders for offense and defence, and can execute them before you can formulate a plan. But I don't think he's planned for the End Crystals, so in that, they're your best weapon."

Patrick nodded. "Get the troops into position. We attack now."


Roxas lifted his head. "There is war in the air. Smoke taints the wind."

Lyria gave him a dumbfounded look. "There is no possible way you smell smoke."

He turned to her slowly. "Something is coming. Lyria, get out of the way."



He shoved her aside as a Shadow Wrath lunged from the bushes.

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