Chapter 7

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Waver watched as enemy after enemy was downed. He knew it was only a matter of time before one broke past.

Blossom edged closer to him. "I'm scared."

He knelt next to her. "Don't be. We're here to protect you."

A body fell close to them and Blossom screamed.

Waver pulled her further back. He knew his DNA should make him a fierce fighter but...he just didn't like hurting people.

'But these people are trying to hurt me. Hurt my friends.'

"Waver, look out!"

Blossom's shriek came late as he had already ducked to the ground as he horns picked up a swords vibration. Jumping up, he was face to face with a Piglin.

Holding a rather terrifying looking weapon.

The beast grinned and swung again, barely missing. Swing dodge, swing dodge, swing and dodge. Until a wild stroke slashed his cheek. His fingers flew to the pain, and he pulled them back stained red.

Then, for the first time in his life, he felt angry.

With a yell, he lunged at the Piglin, wrestling the sword out of its grasp. It stumbled back, startled, as he flung the weapon aside. Then he lunged with flying fists.


Rain poked his head into Azura's labratory. "Lady Azura? I'm getting worried about Stella."

"Because she's spending so much time studying the Crystals?" The blue-haired scientist gestured for him to come in. "I share your concern. She's become obsessive with them."

Rain sat on the couch. "Isn't that what happened with Lance?"

"From what we've been told, yes."

"Oh dear gods, I gotta snap her out of it."

"Indeed you do. Before she gets lost. I advise you do so now."

He nodded and got up, slipping over to the room where the End Crystals were being kept. He could already hear Stella muttering as she wrote down notes.


She glanced up. "Rain! What's up?"

"What's up is your obsession over the Crystals," he gestured around the room. "You've been practically locked in here, studying them. For way too long."

"Rain, I'm fine."

"No you're not! Don't you remember? This is how Lance got himself banished! He become obsessed and look where he ended up!" Stella blinked as Rain took in a shaky breath. "Please. Come outside with me, Stella."

Her eyes were wide. "'re right. I thought if I was more invested, I could break them down easier. Make it easier."

"Nothing will be easier. We will just have to wing it like we always do," he took a step forward. "Listen, I...I love you...a lot, Stella. I'd do anything to keep you safe so please."

She blinked rapidly before leaning over and giving him a kiss. "Thank you."

"There's nothing to thank me for," he ran his fingers through his hair, his mind replaying the last few seconds over. "Can't lie to you, you had me seriously scared."

"Well, like you said, I need to rethink what I'm doing. Should we go get lunch?"

He grinned and kissed the top of her head, leading her out of the room.


Ciara pointed. "Look. Lights."

They emerged into a clearing, the walls of Dreadfort in the distance. "Ciara, its still a ways off."

Like Yesterday (Book 3 of the &quot;Living Nightmare&quot; Series)Where stories live. Discover now