Chapter 3

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Lyria stared at Hilda and Hogsworth for a long moment. Then she turned her attention to the blond-haired boy whose hand still grasped her arm. "Who in Notch's name are you?"

He blinked several times. "Uhm. I'm Roxas. You almost got crushed by the Shadow Wrath."

"Don't get me wrong. I appreciate you saving me. But where did you come from?"


Lady Azura came over to them. "Who's this?"

Roxas seemed to remember he was still holding Lyria becauss he quickly dropped her ar,. "I'm Roxas, and to answer your question, Lyria, I have come from Mt. Amethyst. I got separated from the group I was traveling with after we lost Echo."

"Wait, you know Echo?" Rain came over. "Did she find the Ender Watchers? Are her parents okay?"

"Her parents? Who are her parents? Everyone keeps mentioning this and no one will tell me!"

Rain and Azura exchanged glances. "Lets just say she's the daughter of a queen."

A dark look came onto Roxas' face. "Please tell me she isn't the daughter of Queen Ceris."

Silence and he swore under his breath. "I need to go."

Lyria held her hand out. "Wait! You saved my life."

"So? I'm a mercenary. I save people's lives just as much as I ruin them."

"Mercenaries also get paid. I have no money, but there has to be something I can help you with."

Roxas turned his back to her and thought for a moment. "That Shadow Wrath that just attacked?"

"What about it?"

"I just realized I have a score to settle with its owner," he looked at her over his shoulder. "You gonna come help me?"


Ciara found Blacktooth staring at her. "Do you need something?"

"I'm not going to lie: you're kinda cute."

She glared at the Piglin and Kane growled. "You stay away from her."

Blacktooth laughed. "A protective one, aren't ye? Not like ya can do much, bein' tied up the way ya are."

"I swear on Notch, if you don't keep your filthy hooves to yourself, I'll—"

"You'll do what, Bartender? Nothin' is what ye'll do. Now it'll be wise of ye to keep your mouth shut cause I don't like ya. I can't wait to see King Naeus destroy ya like he's plannin'." 

"Just keep quiet, Kane," Ciara whispered. "Piglins are so stubborn there is no reasoning with them."

Kane raised an eyebrow. "What, like you?"

He chuckled at her face. Then Blacktooth slammed his axe into the ground. "Alright, no more talkin'! That'll get us all in trouble."

The fell silent.


Echo marched through the jungle scape she had opened, using her staff to pish aside branches. "How many Overworld hours do you think we've been in here for?"

The mage sucked in a breath. "Five or six. Why?"

She stopped. "That would mean I'm sixteen now."

"Really? Well. This is quite the...interesting birthday then."

"I'm used to my birthday of being of little significance."

"Well maybe when this is over, we can have a proper celebration."

She smiled. "I would like that. Also, I don't think there is anyone in this field."

"That's where you're wrong, young lady." A woman dropped down in front of them, the tree branches where she had been swaying violently.

She wore a sleeveless green top, grey shorts, and a belt wrapping down to her thigh, holding a dagger. She wore no shoes, had orange-red face paint, and her wrists were wrapped with thick leaves. She had curly, caramel colored hair, bright eyes, and monkey ears.

But what Echo was struggling to figure out was how old she was—she looked young but ancient at the same time.

Lance's eyes widened. "Snowdrop. What are you—? How are you-?"

"Hello again, Lance," she smiled. "Been quite some time, hasn't it?"

He stared at her and Echo looked between them. "I'm lost. What is going on here?"

Snowdrop turned. "Welcome, Echo. I knew you'd be here eventually. I am Snowdrop. If you want to know, I met your father one of the many times he was using Dream Magic to 'escape his problems'. He basically used his power like a drug."

Lance morphed into an unnatural shade of pale and muttered something incomprehensible.

Echo nodded slowly. "I see."

"I do hope you won't do ninety-percent of the things he did here."

At this point, Lance recovered his ability to speak. "That's enough on that, Snowdrop. Thank you. Anyway, what do you want?"

"Believe it or not, I want to help you," Lance started laughing and Snowdrop crossed her arms. "I'm dead serious, Lance! There's been damage in the energy network. Everytime the Dreamscape is opened, the Realm Crystal becomes more and more disrupted. We're in grave danger."

"How do I know this isn't one of your games?"

"In all fairness, you don't. But when it comes to life and death, I don't play around."

They stared at each other. Echo held her hands up. "Whatever this is, you guys need to cut it out. I'm the one who opened the Dreamscape and I need to figure out how to close it."

"You have to destroy the Realm Crystal," Lance opened his mouth and Snowdrop held up a hand. "And let me explain why. If we don't, there is a chance the next people who come here will die away in your world because they are trapped here. Even your group isn't safe from this."

Echo tapped her chin. "So its one for all."

Snowdrop nodded. "In fact, two of your group is on the same field as the Crystal right now. I can get us part of the way there, but we'll have to walk the rest."

Echo hesitatingly looked over to Lance. He sighed. "I can't argue about this. Take us there."

Snowdrop grinned. "Perfect! The two Endermen are right where we're headed, so we can grab them on the way. But keep in mind the disruption has made the fields very dangerous. Shadowy monsters roam, so be on your guard."


Hilda passed the End Crystal to Lady Azura. "Here is the last Crystal. Hogsworth and I found it in a tunnel leading through the Epic Mountain."

Azura carefully took it. "Finally...we'll be able to take Naeus down."

Stella studied it. "Its going to be difficult without Lance's guidance though."

Rain waved a hand. "We'll figure it out."

Azura turned to Hilda. "Patrick was very upset when you left." 

Hilda bit her lip. "I know I shouldn't have, but I—"

"I know the reason," Azura smiled. "Don't worry too much. Your leadership skills are invaluable. Do expect a lecture when we get back to Dreadfort, though."

Hilda laughed. "Oh, I do. One question though. What happened to the rest of the Enderstone Crusaders?"

"Kane and Ciara, as far as we know, we're still in the cave when we had to scatter," Stella wrung her hands. "I hope they're okay."

Hilda nodded and Patrick rode over to them. "Is the Crystal secured? It's time to head out."

He gave Hilda a long look before riding to the front of the group.

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