Chapter 6

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Ceris summoned her armblades, spinning to face Hellknight. "That's it! I've had enough of this running around. Let's settle this. It'll be a fairer fight since you don't have your pet."

Hellknight chuckled. "If that's what you think. I'll play your game," he pulled the dagger from his cloak and spun it. "You are aware that whoever is killed here dies in the real world."

She was unfazed. "So be it. I practically died once. I won't again."

"Whatever you like to tell yourself." He spun the dagger and lunged.


Lyria looked up at the massive oak tree before them. "You guys picked a tree?"

"Yup." Roxas leaned against the trunk. "Anyone hunting us down wouldn't think we'd meet at a random tree."

"Alright. But, uh, how is Hellknight supposed to know you're here?"

"We set up a spell. It'll let him know."

Lyria settled herself on a low-hanging branch. "You thought of everything, didn't you?"

"When you're a mercenary, you have to. Or you die."

"Oh. Well. Why did you want to become a mercenary in the first place?"

"For the freedom in it," Roxas fiddled with his sword hilt. "You can basically do any job you want. You can travel the world. And when you get good enough, people don't really mess with you either. Besides...I remember my father was a mercenary also."

"And you wanted to follow his footsteps?"

"Yeah. But what about you? Why do you lead the Elytra Coorps?"

Lyria paused. "I didn't exactly choose to. sister used to lead it. She...died, so I had to take over."

"I'm sorry."

"Its okay...I guess we've both lost people, huh?"

"I suppose."

They fell to waiting in silence.


Hogsworth watched the snow fall through the window. It was beautiful, but the weather was devastating to the Nether hoards. He wondered if they would delay the attack.

A rapid knock sounded on his door and Hilda poked her head in. "How's that arm?"

"Lady Azura wanted to poke around in the cut and study the tissue structure. Nostra told her no."

Hilda laughed, joining him by the window. "That makes perfect sense."

"Yeah," Hogsworth turned to face her. "Apparently word of you using that crystal has already spread. I've heard whispers you might be sent out with Rain and Stella."

Hilda snorted. "Don't believe everything you hear. That won't happen mainly because I'm not a 'chosen one' like they are. I lead the army."

"That takes something special in its own right. You've got to be strong and inspiring. We both can do that."

"Maybe. I also just follow Patrick's orders. Anyway, make sure you rest up. We have a long fight ahead."

Hogsworth watched her leave the room, getting the sense she had just pushed him away. And he didn't blame her.


Kane was angry, carefully holding the torch aloft as they picked their way through the undergrowth of the forest. He knew he should probably be leading the group, but he didn't trust the pig one bit, so he took the back.

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