Chapter 1

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A cold wind swept through the trees, snow dancing on their leaves. A deep grey sky darkened the nation.

A young girl stood in front of a bubbling pot, the contents inside a mix of leftover vegetables from the now frozen garden.

Soft steam floated through the air as she sang a simple song. Strands of her long hair slipped from her untidy bun, framing her face.

A delicate grin danced onto her face as she tipped the contents of the pot into a ceramic bowl. She turned off the stove and picked up her bowl.

"You've outdone yourself Faith" She giggles, placing the bowl down on the coffee table and picking up a letter that had been tossed down a few days prior.

Faith pushes her thumb on the top of the letter and slides it across, shaking off the envelope she unfolds the letter carefully.

"You have been selected for the second trial, please attend the Zapolyarny Palace at 10am on Monday the 3rd. We hope to see you there" Faith reads aloud, clicking her tongue afterwards.

She picks up her spoon and shovels soup into her mouth as she re-reads the letter.

"Well I better get training then" Faith huffs as she lays down on the couch.

"I want to impress her"

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