Chapter 16

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The next day the pair set off to the city, Childe explained they'd be staying for a few more days then taking the ship home. Childe remembered he had to go to the Bank after he completed his mission so he left Faith to settle back in, on her way back to the Inn she saw Xiangling and the gang. Xiangling noticed the girl and rushed over.

"Faith! I've been looking everywhere for you! I thought you had died in the attack" Xiangling squealed as she hugged Faith, Faith stood awkwardly.

"I'm quite capable of surviving a minor attack like that," Faith said simply, staring down at Xiangling.

Xiangling gave Faith a strange look, "You're not still mad about the other day, are you?"

"I'm working so I have no time for conversation" Faith muttered, stepping past the girl.

She scoffed.

"So now you're too good for us?" Xiangling shouted.

"Grow up Xiangling" Faith spat before walking away.

Faith headed back to the Inn and changed clothes, A sleek black Qi-Pao-inspired dress with long slits to her upper thigh, Gold accents danced across the dress and she added long black gloves and matching black boots.

Faith headed back to the Inn and changed clothes, A sleek black Qi-Pao-inspired dress with long slits to her upper thigh, Gold accents danced across the dress and she added long black gloves and matching black boots

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As she went to leave her room, she heard a door slam. 'It must've been Childe' She thought, 'but why is he slamming doors'.

She left the Inn and headed to the bank, once she arrived she headed for Pantalone's office. She pushed the door open and saw Zhongli sitting across from the man, enjoying a cup of tea.

"Ah, Brighella, How nice of you to join us" Pantalone greets, offering a seat to the girl.

"What did you do to make Tartaglia so angry?" She asked, sitting down.

"Morax and our Tsarista made a deal, He was unaware that he was just a pawn in our game, We have another Gnosis" Pantalone explained proudly.

"Hm, Zhongli you've been keeping this news from me?" Faith smirks, turning to the man.

"You never told me you were one of the eleven" He replies simply.

"Zhongli, you're like a second father to me, you never mentioned being one of the seven, also I only recently became a harbinger you've been a god for centuries" It was like Faith was a kid again, Zhongli had been one of her father's friends and would take her on adventures, he was the reason she knew so much about Liyue.

"Are you upset with me?" Zhongli asked, placing a hand over hers.

"No, I'm just a little stunned" Faith sighed, holding the male's hand.

"Brighella, when is your ship home?"

"Tartaglia said in a few days, I expect we travel with you"

"No, he has thrown a tantrum and refuses to be on the same ship as me" Pantalone grinned at the girl.

"I guess we will travel home later then"

"You're aware you don't have to travel alongside him, you're not his companion are you?"

Blush crept up Faiths' cheeks.


"I'm sorry Regrator but I have other business to attend so I must go, thank you for having me and it was lovely to see you Brighella," Zhongli announced as he stood, he shook hands with Regrator and hugged Faith tightly. He said goodbye a final time and left the two alone.

"Tartaglia is not my companion, it was the Tsaristas' order for me to accompany him to Liyue" Faith finished, trying to keep professional.

Pantalone stood and walked to the front of his desk, he leaned against it with crossed arms.

"Brighella, How is it you have no companion?"

"The same reason you don't have one"

"Why do you think that?"

"Because if you did, you wouldn't be turned on right now" She cooed, her leg extending and pressing on the man's thigh.

He looked down, his bulge had grown to an obvious state and he had no idea how he hadn't noticed.

"If you had a partner, she wouldn't be happy about this" Faith smirked, poking the bulge with her shoe.

A hand wrapped around her ankle as Pantalone got onto his knees, he crawled up to her, her legs around his shoulders. Half-lidded eyes stared up at her as he kissed the inside of her thigh. Faith bit her lip as his hands climbed up her thighs and beneath her skirt.

"Regrator, you're too excited" She giggled, pressing on the hard-on that grew in his pants with her foot "You're still working"

And with that, she stood and left the desperate man.

Her cheeks grew hotter as she walked to the Inn.

"How did I do that!" She whispered to herself, her heart pumped with adrenaline as she entered the Inn. As she headed to her room she calmed her dirty thoughts. Faith looked at Childes' door, she didn't know if he was in but she had a request. She knocked loudly on the door.

"Ajax, let me in" She called.

The door quickly unlocked and opened.

"Hey, I have a question"

"Do you have to know the answer now?"

"No, but-"

"I'll answer it tomorrow" Childe snapped, closing the door.

Faith pressed a hand against it and pushed it open. She walked into his room despite his protests, it was the same as hers except for the items that had been thrown around the room.

"If you were that angry, why didn't you go out and kill something?" She asked, picking up books and clothes.

"Just didn't feel like it" He spat, leaning against the wall.

"Well I hope you feel hungry because once this mess is cleaned, we're going out to dinner"

"With who?"

"Just us, I know you don't want to be around Pantalone or Morax right now and I don't want to be around my friends so let's have go have fun, just me and you" Faith beamed as she spun around.

A grin formed on his face.

"Is this a date, girlie?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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