Chapter 2

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A freshly cleaned sword leans against a bookshelf, a wooden bow sitting lazily on the floor next to it. The arrows that were once tucked away neatly now scattered across the floor.

"Where on teyvat did I put it!" A voice groans from a closet.

"Found it" Faith cheers, falling back onto the wooden floor.

In her hands, a purple crystal shimmered, a sharp design etched into its centre. She flipped it between her fingers, examining it for any new marks or damages.

Faith slipped it onto the chain that dangled across her hips, it thumped against her lightly as she picked up her bow and sword.

Faith was very skilled with her sword, her bow being a second option. Her sword had a long silver blade with a leather handle, it had passed down from her mother and she cherished it with her whole being. Faith had the ability to channel her elemental power into her sword which created powerful electro slashes. These slashes would stick to her enemy and shock them twice more, making her opponents very weak and shocked.

She slipped the rope from the fence and pushed open the gate. Faith pushed herself up and over her horses back.

"We're going to the palace Alastor" Faith huffed, lightly tapping its stomach with her boots.


The rope tightened around the post as she rubbed Alastors nose. Two Fatui guards stood either side of the majestic palace doors, swords slung on their hips.

Faith walked towards them, her posture confident. The guards drew their swords, she dug into her bag and pulled out the letter and handed it to one of the guards. They withdrew their swords and pushed open the tall doors for the young girl.

Frost covered the walls, icicles hung from the ceiling. A long red rug with gold accents led to a large throne, where a tall figure sat. Her face was hidden by the lack of light, yet her sleek frame and billowing hair showed through the shadows.

Faith kneeled, she tucked her head and began to speak.

"Greetings your Majesty, I am in your presence for the opportunity to become one of you highest subjects" Faith spoke clearly, her voice echoing throughout the room.

"No need to be so formal my child, you wish to be a harbinger, yes?" The Tsaritsa spoke.

"Yes your Majesty"

"Then your wish shall be granted"

"Is there no trial, your highness?"

"You are the only child who attended, so you will be the 8th Fatui Harbinger, you will be named Brighella"

"Thank you, your highness"

"Leave this room and speak to the guards"

"Yes, your highness"

Faith stood, and bowed. Then quickly left the throne room, she turned to a guard who gave her a slip of paper with an address on it and a signed piece of paper.

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