Chapter 11

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"Doctor Baizhu! How have you been? How's Qiqi?" Faith asked as a slender arm wraps around her shoulder.

"I'm doing fine, Qiqi is doing well too, she's growing quite strong" Baizhu replied happily, his snake Changsheng flicked her tongue.

"You shouldn't be out this far, do you need me to help back to the pharmacy" Faith questioned, a wary tone in her voice.

"Finish your meal, then we can go" He comments with a smile.

"What were you doing over here?"

"I was looking for Qiqi, she went out to collect herbs but that was many hours ago" Baizhu explains "I'm a little worried, there are many people about and I hope she didn't get lost"

"She has been blessed with the power of the motherland, she'll be alright" Faith comforted.

"You're going to call us comrade next, aren't you?" Hu Tao prods.

"Don't get me started, my coworker calls me that" Faith complains, throwing her hands in the air as a sign of annoyance.

"Oooo what's he like?" Xiangling giggled, poking the girl's arm.

"Well he's tall, got finger hair, freckles, he's pretty muscular, lots of scars on his body, he's annoying too" Faith rambles.

"What'd you say about his chest?" Hu Tao teases.

"Well, he's got pecs for days, abs too, no surprise there, he's a harbinger after all" Faith finished, taking a bite of the food.

The group was silent.


"You're a harbinger"


"That's not a good thing"

"No shit Hu Tao"

"Why did you take the job?"

Faith mumbled a response, she wasn't hungry anymore.

"Baizhu, let's go" She muttered as she stood.

"Alright" He replied, he waved goodbye to the girls as he slung his arm around Faith's shoulder.

Faith was silent on the walk to the pharmacy, the food sat heavy in her stomach. She knew being a harbinger would tarnish her reputation but she didn't think her friends would judge her for it. She hugged Baizhu goodbye and headed for the bank.

Faith entered the bank and talked to Ekaterina.

"Have they finished their meeting?" Faith asked, looking around the second floor.

"Yes, Master Childe has left but Master Pantalone is in his office" Ekaterina replied curtly.

"Thank you," Faith said with a nod.

She stepped towards the door and knocked lightly. A faint 'come in' passed through the door and she walked in.

"Ah, Brighella, How are you?" Pantalone questioned, peering through the glasses that rested on his nose.

"Do people immediately despise us?" She asked, looking around the office before sitting down in the armchair in front of his desk.

He blinked, sighed and took off his glasses.

"What happened?" He asked, his voice filled with care.

"I mentioned Childe and they asked about him, I said we were coworkers then told them he was a harbinger" Faith sighed, untying her hair while talking "They connected the dots, told me what I do isn't good"

"They are not wrong, nor are they right" Pantalone started, leaning back in his chair "While our actions may seem despicable, our motives are true, we serve our archon just as much as they do"

"Just in a different way" Faith finished.

"Exactly, don't fret, if they are real friends they will look past the mask, and to the person who lies beneath it" Pantalone said, a wry smile on his lips as he sat up and placed his glasses back onto his nose.

"How old are you? You seem so wise" Faith cooed at the man.

He laughed.

"I'm not much older than you" He chuckled, looking at the girl sitting before him.

"Oh please, I'm 20, Don't flatter yourself" Faith teased, crossing a leg over the other and resting her chin in her hand.

"The people of Snezhnaya will love you" Pantalone stated, honesty coating his words, he leaned forward onto his desk. His fingers linked.

"And why is that?"


"Brighella, let's go," Childe said, interrupting.

"Tartaglia, the adults are talking" Pantalone grinned, causing Faith to giggle.

"You can tell me the reasons later Pantalone, do you have a residence here?" Faith asked, standing from the seat.

"I stay in a permanent room at the Inn, you two stay there as well I presume?"

"Yep," Childe answers quickly.

Pantalone jobs down a number and a word on a piece of paper and slips it to Faith.

"Visit me at 8" He whispered as he stood.

She nodded, a faint blush coating her cheeks.

"I'll show you two out" He beamed.

Childe scoffed and left, leaving Faith to scurry after him.

"The fuck was that about? That's disrespectful" She said sternly in a hushed tone.

The bank employees hid away as the pair came storming through the bank.

"He was looking at you like a piece of meat, you're nothing but business to him" Childe whispered.

"So what? It's better to have him as a partner than an enemy"

"They will all use you for personal gain"

"And you're not?"

Childe sucked in a breath. Faith huffed and stormed out.

"Faith wait!" He called, pushing out the doors after her.

"Do not call me that name, you were never supposed to hear it let alone use it" Faith snapped, spinning to face the boy.

"I just-"

"I don't want to hear it, I'm going to my room"

And with that, she was gone.

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