Chapter 9: Set up

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Hikaru whipped his head over his shoulder at the sound of the pebble skittering on the pavement. There was no one there. He turned back but heard another sound, like footsteps. A pair of footsteps. He turned around once more and saw 2 little girls behind him, walking together, hand in hand. They both had light brown hair down their shoulders, and bangs in the front. The only difference was the one on the left had her hair tucked behind her ears and the other didn't. They both had pale faces and big brown eyes with long eyelashes, and they both had plump, pink lips. They were both smiling as they strolled along only a few meters away from where Hikaru sat. The one on the right saw him first. "Oh, sorry, we didn't know anyone was out here." She had a soft, sort of high-pitched voice. She sounded like a female Kaoru. The one on the left looked around. "You don't mind, do you? We just wanted to have some time alone before our test next period." She had a lower voice than the other girl, and they sounded very much different. They looked exactly the same though. "I-I don't mind..." Hikaru moved over out of habit and the 2 girls sat beside him, one on each side. "So..." The girl on Hikaru's left, with the softer voice spoke. "My name is Momo. My sisters name is Arisa. We're both new students here as of about a week ago." Arisa studied Hikaru for a moment. "You look familiar... Although I'm pretty sure we're not in the same class. I saw you a few days ago, I think. You were storming off towards the front doors. You looked really mad. Are you okay?" Hikaru paused. When did he ever so that? Right. Kaoru. After their fight. "Actually, that wasn't me. That was my... Brother Kaoru." Arisa and Momo gasped. "Oh, so you're twins? So are we." They'd pretty much have to be. Hikaru thought, they said that in unison. "I know now!! You're the Hitachiin twins. We've heard about you from some girls in our class. Apparently you are in a host club together... So where is he now?" Arisa sounded excited, as if he was a celebrity. "Not... Here." She giggled. "Well duh, I mean, where is he? I thought you two never left eachothers sides... Not that I expect that to be true or anything, we've just heard rumours, so..." Hikaru admired how Arisa didn't push him. She simply asked where Kaoru was, not why he wasn't there with him. "Actually, he, uh...moved." Momo, who had been quiet the whole time, talked next. "Me and Arisa were apart once for a few months, because our parents divorced and she had to go live with our dad on some island. It was the worst few months of my life. A few days would've been fine, but, were twins. We need eachother. Eachother is all we really ever had, in the start anyways, so being apart really shattered us." Momo stopped all of a sudden and stared right at Hikaru. "Do you miss him?" Hikaru stopped breathing for a moment. Yesterday, or even earlier today, he would've said no. He would've said he'd love it if him and Kaoru were apart for years. He would've denied his feelings and covered his loneliness with carelessness. But now... Hikaru couldn't take his eyes off the pair of twins in front of him. They had been away from eachother for months, yet, here they are. Hikaru hadn't really realized until now how much he really longed for his other half. For Kaoru. He just wasn't the same without him. He felt empty, hollow. He missed having Kaoru there with him. Hikaru opened his mouth to speak, but his lips trembled when he tried. "I..." Momo continued to stare deep into Hikaru's eyes. She wanted to get the truth out of him. Arisa was sitting directly beside her twin, with sympathy and curiosity lurking in her gaze. "Yeah... I miss him." One the words were out, Hikaru couldn't go back. There it was, the complete truth. Out of the corner of his blurring eyes, he saw Arisa grin. Momo smiled as well, and both sisters gave him matching giggles. "We knew it." It took a minute for Hikaru to understand what was happening, but, before he knew it, Tamaki was standing in front of him, with a big dramatic smile on his face. "Good job, Arisa and Momo. I knew you could do it!" "Of course, Tamaki. We'd do anything for you." Both girls walked away, laughing and talking to eachother. "You... Set this up?" Tamaki rolled his eyes as if the answer was obvious. "Duh. We wanted to et the truth out of you. You do miss Kaoru! So go and call him so he can return to Ouran!" Hikaru felt his cheeks turning red. He'd been set up. It was all fake, just so Tamaki could hear him admit that he missed Kaoru. Those 2 girls probably hadn't even spent time away from eachother. He felt betrayed and stupid and embarrassed all at once. "No." That put an end to Tamaki's parade. He came to a stop immediately of his happy dance and looked confusingly at Hikaru. "I'm not going to call Kaoru. I don't need him here. Do what if I so miss him? He's the one who left, so he'll be the one to come back!"

Tamaki expression dropped quickly, and his excitement was soon transformed into disappointment. "You... You hit him. Your younger brother." Hikaru exploded. "I don't need to be reminded of what I did! Leave me alone! If Kaoru wants to come back, he will and that's that!" With a final stomp, Hikaru left Tamaki confused, frozen in his spot and fished out his phone and called his driver I come and et him. A few minutes later, a long black vehicle came in sight and Hikaru stepped in. "Where to, sir?" "Home."

Wow, long chapter... Hikaru isn't having a great time at Ouran without Kaoru, is he? Well, I'm sure Koaru is getting off better... DUN DUN DUN!!! We'll see. Comment opinions and all that kind of stuff. Thx.

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