Chapter 18

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So a quick a/n first: I had no clue when i was going to come back to this story so i don't know if these will be frequent updates or just whenever i feel like writing. I haven't forgotten about the story don't worry, but i finally think i have an idea as to where my storyline is going!

Chelsea's POV

I pulled away quickly as i didn't want to kiss Cameron at all. He's a great guy don't get me wrong but i see him as more of a protective older brother. I quickly excused myself to the bathroom and once i got there i took a deep breath trying to piece together what just happened out there. I got a text from Cameron asking if i was alright and he also apologized for kissing me. I hated that this would now make it awkward between me and my only friend right now. I picked up my phone in my right hand and sent Cam an answer. Then i gathered myself and headed back to theater 9 to finish the movie.

The rest of the movie was quiet and i found Cameron leaning away from me unlike before when we were all cuddled up, this was extremely awkward. The credits flashed on the screen and Cameron stood without saying a word. I stood as well following him through the row of seat and out of the movie theater to his car. We sat down in the car and Cameron opened his mouth to speak.

"Cam don't worry about it, just forget the kiss ever happened." I spoke cutting him off from saying anything to make our situation even more awkward than it was. He let out a slight chuckle before answering, "I mean i was just gonna ask if you wanted to go to Chick-fil-a, but that's good to know."

You let out a sigh of release, "Food sounds perfect right now."

You and Cam got to Chick-fil-a and ordered food then sat down at a small table.

"So let's talk about the real elephant in the room," Cam said taking a sip from his soda. A worker came with your food and you smiled and thanked her then looked back at Cameron. You let out a sigh before answering, "I like them both." Cameron looked down at his food and then back up to you.

"Yes i understand that, but which one do you love?"

"I'm unsure that i love either of them," I shook my head popping a chicken nugget in my mouth.

"Chelsea, you love one of them, i can tell that, just not which one," he explained.

"I want to give Matthew another chance, i think."

"That's a good idea," he let out a breath, "but how will you tell Taylor?" I stared back at my food and let out a puff of warm air. I shook my head and looked at Cameron who was eyeing my every move.

"Let's just figure out how to tell Matt first." I sighed heavily again.


We arrived back at the hotel a short 40 minutes later. As we stepped into the elevator Cam looked at me and asked, "So how is this going to go down?"

"I really don't know, I'm headed to Matt's room I guess." I waited until the elevator doors separated then stride through them on my way to Matthews room. I approached the correct door and gave a strong knock. After a second of waiting i heard shuffling inside the room and the door opened revealing a shirtless Matthew.

"Put a shirt on Espinosa, you're coming to my room." He smirked before walking back into his room grabbing a shirt, then sliding it over his head. He closed the door behind him and pointed in the direction of my room, "After you my lady."

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