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Hi! Thank you for reading my book :D

When Grian's parents divorced, he was sent to a high school in Japan. After learning of his mother's death, Grian begged his father to let him move back to the UK and finish the other half of sophomore year at the same school as his older sister, Pearl. After a year and a half at Yandere High School, Grian is nervous about starting a new life and worried about getting close to people but when he meets Scar, he hopes for a brighter future. Can the traumatized Avian trust the Elf or is it all another lie?

*Word counts will be put at the beginning of the chapter minus any extra notices*

POVS *I will not be writing POVS and I will write in 3rd person but most of the book will revolve around Grian or Scar*

*I will use song lyrics as inspiration for dialogue but I will put the song title and artist at the top of the chapter. I recommend checking the songs out because they are good!*

TWS *I will not put them on every page but most chapters will likely include the following so if they make you uncomfortable then I do not recommend this book*

- Homophobia

- Transphobia

- Racism (against hybrids/certain hybrids)

- Foul language

- Abuse (physical, verbal, & mental)

- Bullying

- Blood (nothing too gory)

- Mentions/attempts of suicide

- Self-harm

- Trauma/flashbacks

- Drinking (alcohol)

- Drugs

- Smoking 

- S@m (>:])

If I forgot anything let me know :)

~A little background~

Grian is an Avian, as is his sister, Pearl. Their mother, Maire, was an Avian as well, famous among her people. Their father, Darcel, is a Lunar Elf who married their mother for her wealth and fame. After both of his children came out with prominent Avian genetics and he found another woman, he demanded a divorce which Maire gladly agreed to because she thought Darcel didn't treat their children well. What she wasn't expecting was that he was going to send Grian to Japan. She took Pearl and moved away, several years later, Maire died in an accident and Pearl moved to live with her father, Grian joining them shortly after returning from Japan after learning of his mother's passing. Pearl knows what happened during Grian's high school experience and regrets that she wasn't there for him. While in Japan, Grian found two cats, one named Maui and the other named Pearl, in remembrance of his sister, unsure if he would ever see her again. Pearl and Grian would be joining the new high school halfway through the year due to them having to move. Their father often comes home late after drinking and if he is in a bad mood, he takes it out on his children, often spending his free time drinking, smoking, and watching TV leaving the siblings to care for themselves.

Hybrid descriptions will be in the next "chapter" thank you for your time :)

.:A New World:. [Hermitcraft Highschool AU] [Scarian]Where stories live. Discover now