Chapter Three

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Heelllloooo. Thank you for sharing my book, I deeply appreciate it! <3

[Word count: 1304] (Sorry it is a shorter chapter but it just made sense to cut it off then)

Mr. Vincent clapped his hands, signaling for the students to quiet down. When the teacher began, Grian felt a hand tap his shoulder. The avian turned to the brunette beside him. "I uh, well I just wanted to make sure you were okay after what happened with Micheal and Henry, you seemed to be having a panic attack and if you need someone to talk to I'm open," Scar offered, "A-and you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to!" He added quickly, "I'm just, y'know, here if you need me... We are friends right?" Scar wanted to smack himself, the poor avian hadn't even verified that they- the elf's thoughts were interrupted by a soft chuckle.

He looked back at the blonde, meeting his blue eyes, "Yes Scar, we are friends," the avian smiled. Friends the word echoed in Grian's head. This might just be my first actual friend... "Soooo, what are we supposed to be doing?" Scar asked and Grian smiled, shaking his head. "To start the year off, Mr. Vincent wants to do more creative assignments so we are going to a group project- Oh!" Grian passed Scar a paper, "He also wanted us to fill this out, or as much as we felt comfortable with."

The avian looked at the paper. He blinked. There were a lot of questions. Most of them made Grian feel much safer but there were a few questions he left blank or didn't fill out entirely. Question one, what is your name? Grian. Question two, what are your preferred pronouns? He/him. Question three, what is your sexuality? ...I am a friend of Dorothy. Question four, what are your favourite subjects? ELA and Science. Question five... Grian read through the questions and sighed. He stopped halfway and examined the room.

It was cozy, Mr. Vincent was an ELA teacher so the back wall was covered with a bookshelf. The back corner, closest to him, had bean bags and a soft rug. There was a large window on the right wall, the windowsill held several different plants. The front room had a chalkboard and a roll-up projector screen. Next to the door, there was an oak desk. Next to the computer sat a picture frame and a mini pride flag.

Grian looked back at Mr. Vincent who was talking to one of the other students. The avian already liked the teacher. Grian noticed that his teacher had pointed ears. He looked again around the room and noticed that there were many more plants than he first realized.

"Hey Scar, is Mr. Vincent a woodland elf?" Grian asked the brunette who was furiously scribbling answers down on his questionnaire.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, he is one of the few hybrid teachers," The brunette looked up from his paper, "A little unfortunate if you ask me."

Grian nodded and looked back down at the paper. He quickly finished answering the questions and hesitantly raised his hand. Mr. Vicent acknowledged him and walked over. "How can I help you?" He asked with a smile, crinkling his amber eyes.

Grian offered him the paper. "Oh! Thank you!" Mr. Vicent smiled, taking the paper from him, "Scar, have you finished?" The brunette scribbled something else down and handed the paper to the teacher.

"Thank you, you two can start the project now- I presume you're working together?" their teacher asked to which Grian quickly nodded. He smiled and walked to another table.

"I hope I spelled everything right... but Mr. V should be able to read it anyway," Scar chuckled, then, upon seeing the blonde's confusion added, "I have dyslexia." Understanding flickered through Grian's blue eyes. "Now what was the project?" Scar asked and Grian put his head in his hands, chuckling slightly.

"We are going to do a book report-" Grian started and Scar groaned, "but it gets better! We get to pick our favourite scene from the book and build a mini-model. We were given two months of class time to work on this to make sure it's how we want it."

"As long are you are writing I'm fine," Scar said. Grian only shrugged. "What book do we do?" Scar asked.

"Any we choose," Grian stated, pulling a notebook, "What are your top five favourite books?" Scar shrugged.

"I like fantasy, but if I had to pick my top five... You won't judge me right?" Scar asked quickly. Grian shook his head. The brunette tapped his chin, "In order, Reforged by Seth Haddon, The Corgi Chronicles by Laura Madsen..." Grian wrote them down and looked back up at the elf who continued, "Uhh... Eragon by Christopher Paolini... OH! I love Lord of The Rings by-" "J. R. R. Tolkien!" Grian smiled, "Have you seen the movies?" Scar nodded quickly.

"My favourite scene is when they walk through Fangorn Forest!" The elf said, his eyes sparkling. Grian grinned.

"I love the Fangorn Forest, the trees are so beautiful and the way they did the ambiance was amazing!" the avian's wings flapped with excitement and Scar smiled, his cheeks warmed slightly.

"We could do that setting recreation?" Scar suggested he had a pretty good idea for how to get the mossy forest floor.

Grian put his notebook away and pulled out a small sketchbook. "I love Lord of the Rings and we should totally do the Fangorn Forest!" the avian tapped his fingers on the table and flipped through the sketchbook and Scar caught a couple of glimpses of the artwork inside.

Scar didn't see much but he did manage to catch a drawing of Legolas and Gimli from Lord of the Rings. "You're a good artist," Scar risked pointing out. Grian looked up wide-eyed as he flipped to a blank page.

"I-I uh... t-thanks..." He muttered, picking up a pencil.

The rest of the period Scar and Grian spent working out the materials they would need and when they would meet up outside of school to work on it.

"Where do you want to meet up?" Scar asked, studying the material list.

"Uh... Anywhere that isn't my house..." Grian muttered.

Words formed on Scar's lips but in the end, he simply said, "Oh, we can do it at my house then?" Grian nodded.

"We can work on it at my house if Da- er my dad is out. I wouldn't want to leave my cats alone for too long... I think you would like to meet him- ifyouevenlikecats..." Grian said, quickly speeding his words up.

Scar's eyes widened, "You have cats!" he whisper-shouted, "I have a cat named Jellie, maybe your cats could come over with you!"

Grian smiled, "That sound better than you coming to my place- It's messy!" the avian added, trying not to scare Scar away.

Scar nodded, "That sounds-" RINGGGGGG.

"That's the bell, everyone pack up and go to your next class," Mr. Vincent said, clapping his hands. The two stood and headed out of the room.

Grian pulled out his schedule and groaned, "Geometry," the avian whined, "Whyy?"

Scar sighed, "I never understand that class. It makes no sense! WHY DO WE NEED TO FIND THE MISSING SIDES OF A SHAPE???" the elf covered his head with his hands.

Grian giggled, "It's not too hard, I could help you if you want. Though I won't be able to tell you why we need it."

"Really?" Scar asked, tilting his head, his brown hair slightly covering his emerald eyes. Grain smiled, his wings ruffled, He looks kinda cute like that- Nope, not going down that rabbit hole again... "Of course!" Grian said, "It's the least I could do after you helped me."

"You know you don't have to 'repay' me right?" Scar said, making air quotes around the word "repay". Grian raised his eyebrows but said nothing as they entered the math classroom.

.:A New World:. [Hermitcraft Highschool AU] [Scarian]Where stories live. Discover now