Chapter One

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Hiii, so this is my first actual chapter, sorry it took so long 😅 Chapters will typically range between 1,000-2,500 words. (Sorry if the formating is weird.)


[Word Count: 1382] (Sorry it is a little short)


He was running, he didn't know exactly why he was running, or where for that matter. The dark halls were impossible to navigate but the quick footsteps behind him were enough to motivate him to keep running. Running. Why was she running? 

"Oh, you silly boy! There is nowhere to run, Taurtis~" An eerily familiar voice called from behind him. His heart skipped a beat, maybe five.

Oh, he knew exactly why he was running now. He suddenly became aware of everything. He felt the pain from all of the cuts and bruises covering him. He gave him those cuts. The person chasing him wasn't the same person he had met years ago. There was a sharp pain in his shoulder and glancing over it he saw a small blade settled between his feathers. The blade's poison had seeped into his wing, changing the once bright red, yellow, and blue to a dull, sickening grey.

He looked a the person chasing him. He had gotten much closer and the avian was met with a pair of bloodthirsty red eyes. The white rabbit ears of the brunette chasing him were pointed up. 

The avian stumbled, and the burning pain in his chest sharpened. He tried to get up but a pair of hands grabbed his shoulders. He screamed.

      Grian's eyes flew open. Through his blurry vision, he made out a brunette sitting in front of him. The blonde jerked back and covered his face with his hands defensively. "Oh, Grian... I didn't mean to scare you..." A voice whispered. It wasn't his voice.

A pair of gentle hands pulled Grian's arms away from his face. The avian was trembling. The blurry figure reached over to grab something and Grian flinched. The person handed him his round glasses and his fingers shook as he set them upon his face. As Grian's vision focused, he could see Pearl sitting in front of him. Her face was etched in concern. "Thank goodness, Pearl!" The blonde cried, sobbing on his sister's shoulder as she pulled him into a hug.

The lunar elf drew circles on the blonde's back helping him calm down. Her brother pulled away, and Pearl took a breath, "Today is our first day of school, though it is about two days into the second semester." Grian only shrugged. "There isn't a uniform," she added. A ghost of a smile fell on Grian's face and Pearl stood.

"I'm off to get ready," She said, doing her best to smile. Grian nodded, "I-I uh will be out soon I guess..." he tried to smile. Pearl left, closing his bedroom door as Grian stood. He opened the closet and, ignoring the box from Yandere on the floor, picked an outfit. He grabbed a white, collared shirt and a pair of light brown pants. Once he changed, he slipped on a pair of black Adidas with red stripes. He grabbed his red sweater and pulled it on, it was still big on him.

A sad smile laced Grian's lips. His mother had given him the sweater when he was sent away to Japan, she made sure it was extra large so he could wear it forever she had said. By now it shouldn't have been so large on him but during his time at Yandere, he was underfed and never grew because he didn't have enough nutrients. He was still rather small and skinny. Not that he ate much anyway but, he wasn't really that hungry anymore.

Grian shook his head. He was getting lost in his thoughts again. He grabbed his phone, relieved when there weren't any new messages. Not that he could find him but... he did have powerful connections and Grian didn't want to risk being found again. Grian grabbed his small leather satchel and slipped his phone and a sketchbook alongside his earbuds into the small bag.

He ran his hands through his sandy blonde hair, hoping that fixed it. There weren't many mirrors in the house, not that it bothered Grian. He had... well simply put he didn't like mirrors very much. Grian shrugged and left his room, closing the door behind him with a click.

Pearl was leaning against the banister, scrolling through her phone, waiting for him. She looked up and smiled, her moon halo brightening. His sister was wearing a navy blue jacket, a white shirt, jean shorts, and black Converse with golden stars. The moon pin on her jet-black beanie glinted in the sunlight as she cocked her head to the side. "Ready?" She asked, brushing a strand of brown hair behind her pointed ears.

The avian nodded, pausing. Why do I smell smoke...? Grian thought. "H-hey is uh, is Darcel home?" The blonde asked, he refused to call him "father". Pearl nodded, frowning, "I hear the TV and smell the smoke..." she sighed.

The siblings slowly crept down the stairs, scared to wake their father. When they rounded the corner, they saw the lunar elf asleep on the couch. The TV was on, playing some sports show. Pearl held out her hand, the remote floating over, surrounded in a faint white glow. She turned off the TV, relieved when Darcel stayed asleep. Grian grabbed a trash bag and Pearl grabbed a broom.

As Grian made his way around the middle of the living room, he saw his father, passed out with a cigarette loosely in his mouth, a half-empty beer bottle in his hand. Grian's golden magic surrounded the cigarette and it floated into the bag. He gently took the beer bottle from Darcel's hand and dropped it into the bag. Many more beer bottles and cigars were scattered around the living room. Grian sighed. There were also a fair amount of empty chip bags dispersed around. The avian picked up all the trash as Pearl swept up the stray crumbs and the dirt from their father's boots.

Once the two had roughly cleaned the living room, Grian examined Darcel. The lunar elf's dark brown hair was swept over his closed eyes. The moon halo that hovered over his head was dim and he wore a white tank top, covered with grease stains and crumbs. Grian left, heading into the kitchen.

Pearl was already at the table, a meager bowl of cereal in front of her. "There isn't much left, the rest is for you. We will need to do another store run. How much do we have added up from our allowances and salaries?" she asked. Their father paid them five euros a day to stay away from him and the siblings had both gotten jobs at a nearby Starbucks to get the rest of the money they needed for food.

Grian sat down, pouring the rest of the cereal into his bowl. "I think I have around twenty-five to thirty euros..." he muttered, pouring milk into his bowl.

Pearl nodded, "That gets us to around fifty to sixty euros which should be good for another month..." she ate a spoonful of cereal and froze.

Grian's wings twitched, as they often did when someone was behind him. He turned to see Darcel standing over him. "Which one of you took my beer?" He demanded. Grian opened his mouth but Pearl jumped in, "I did!"

Darcel frowned. "Stand up," he snapped. Pearl pushed her chair back. "Wait!" Grian stumbled, "I-it was me I-I asked her to h-help-" "Stop stuttering boy!" Darcel growled. Grian flinched. "I-I am s-sorry-" Grian began but he was met with a slap.

"I told ya to stop stuttering!" his father barked. The blonde blinked back tears as his cheek stung. "What was that for?!" Pearl snapped, pulling Grian back behind her, "That's not how you should treat your son!". Smack.

"He isn't any child of mine, and neither are you!" Darcel shouted, "Get out of my house! You're only here because your pathetic mother is dead!" Pearl scowled at her father and grabbed her and Grian's bags, leading her brother out of the house

"A-are y-you o-okay?" Grian stuttered, wiping the tear off his face. Pearl gave him a sad smile, "Well now we are matching" she tried. Grian only shrugged. Pearl grabbed his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze as the two walked to school, afraid to fly, after all, avians were feared.

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