Chapter Two

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Heeelllooo wonderfuls! So I have a smol request.... I know I'm new but if you have any friends or someone you know who would be interested in this book or anything else, please share my account. You don't have to but it would help me expand my readers. Other than that! Enjoy! <3

[Word count: 2260]

As Grian entered the high school, he looked around. There were many hybrids though the humans outnumbered them one to ten. The high school was smaller than most but that didn't bother Grian much, he wasn't social. If he remembered correctly, there were between five hundred and six hundred students.

Pearl grabbed his handed and pointed to a map, "We should probably get a picture of that- I don't know if you get lost easily but I do." she stated, walking over. Grian shifted his wings uncomfortably and chuckled, "I'd rather have a map on my phone than have to ask someone for directions." he muttered, pulling out his phone and taking a picture of the map.

Pearl grinned and studied her map. She pulled two pieces of paper from her bag and handed one to Grian. "Your schedule and locker number." she clarified, smiling. Grian wished he was as excited about this as Pearl was.

She turned around and ran straight into the person behind her. Pearl made a small noise and used her wings to keep from falling onto the poor person she knocked over. She laughed nervously and offered her hand to the person on the floor.

"I am soooo sorry about that!" Pearl chuckled, brushing her bleached bangs from her eyes. The girl she helped up blinked. A creeper behind her tapped her shoulder, "Hey uh Gem? You okay?" he asked with a thick German accent.

The redhead blinked again and shook her head, her cheeks holding a red tint, "Y-you're fine!" she muttered. Pearl cocked her head to the side and looked at Gem.

"Your antlers are pretty," Pearl smiled, ruffling her wings nervously, "Are you sure you're okay? You seem a little shaken." Gem's face reddened more at the compliment.

She shook her head and chuckled, "I'm fine really! Just a little... surprised that's all, are you new?" Gem asked, glancing at Grian who was hiding behind his sister.

Pearl only nodded, glancing at her brother. Gem tapped her index fingers together and looked at Pearl, "If I am not mistaken we are in the same grade so you could stick with us and we can make sure you find all of your classes." Gem offered, smiling slightly.

Pearl looked to Grian, "Will you be alright on your own?" She asked in a hushed tone. Grian only nodded. He couldn't seem to speak. Pearl smiled and squeezed his shoulder, "You have an hour till class starts, if you need me, text me okay?" Grian nodded again.

The avian sighed as he watched his sister leave with the new group. He pulled the map up on his phone and looked around. He turned left. If I'm not wrong, my locker should be down the second wing... just past the doors. I am number eighteen.

He studied his schedule as he walked down the hall. He made sure to avoid eye contact and keep his wings as close to him as he could. "Hey, are you new here?" Called a voice. Grian froze, and his wings twitched. Slowly, the blonde turned around.

"Hello? I ask you a question! Are. You. New. Here?" The noirette in front of him repeated. The ginger beside him set a hand on his shoulder.

"Wasn't there a transfer student from Japan? It's probably him, he doesn't look Japanese but he probably can't speak English," the grey-eyed ginger laughed.

"Are. You. New. Here?!" The noirette tried again, slower and louder.

"You know, even if I didn't speak English, talking slower and louder wouldn't help me understand you any better," Grian finally spoke, his British accent taking the two boys by surprise.

.:A New World:. [Hermitcraft Highschool AU] [Scarian]Where stories live. Discover now