Chapter Eight

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Hi. [Author's note here btw so, here: I'm not gonna specify whether the Pearlem is platonic or romantic, it is really up to your interpretation but I am keeping it so that it can be interpreted differently depending on your perspective. It may lean more towards platonic but it really boils down to your interpretation and opinion on the matter.] Hope you enjoy :P

[Word count: 1164] (It's shorter than Grian OoO)

Pearl double-checked Gem's address before heading out. A small part of her felt guilty for inviting herself over but she really needed a break after the bull shit her father kept pulling.

She stopped outside a proud two-story house. She walked up to an elegantly carved wooden door and knocked. "Coming!" A familiar voice called from inside.

The door opened and Gem welcomed Pearl, "It's so good to see you!" the redhead exclaimed.

"I hope you don't mind that I kinda invited myself over," Pearl commented.

"Of course, I don't mind! I said you could come!" Gem reassured, "Also I made some sandwiches I was wondering if you wanted one?"

"Please!" Pearl said, following the deer out to a patio.

Colourful flowers and well-trimmed bushes adorned the backyard. A small beehive near the back of the yard buzzed with energy.

"Woah," Pearl exclaimed, looking around the garden, "Your yard is amazing!"

Gem chuckled and sat at a small table. Pearl quickly sat beside her, picking up one of the sandwiches. "Once we finish I could give you a small tour if you'd like," the redhead offered, grabbing her own sandwich.

Pearl nodded, "Yes please!" she grinned after swallowing.

The two soon finished the sandwiches and Gem led Pearl around her home. "And this," Gem said, pushing open a door, "Is my room!"

Pearl looked around in awe. The elf's room was beautifully decorated. Fairy lights shaped like bees and butterflies hung from the ceiling. A shaggy green rug covered most of the floor. A round window let sunlight flood the room giving light to the various plants that adorned the shelves. A small but cozy bed sat in one corner, a bookshelf not far from it. In one corner there was a bean-bag chair that was placed next to a desk. A bisexual flag hung over Gem's bed.

"Oh!" Pearl said, her eyes falling on the flag, "I didn't know you were bi, not that I would seeing as you didn't tell me..."

Gem shifted uncomfortably, "That doesn't bother you right?" she verified.

Pearl looked taken aback, "No! Why would it?" She exclaimed, "In fact," the lunar elf rolled up her sleeve revealing a small bracelet bearing the lesbian flag, "I'm gay."

Gem relaxed and looked at the band around Pearl's wrist, "Where did you find that? The weaving is beautiful!" The deer marveled and the bracelet.

"Ah, w-well actually, I kinda made it..." Pearl mumbled, her face reddening slightly. Gem looked up in surprise.

"Really?!" She asked, a glint of joy in her emerald eyes, "Can you make me one?"

Pearl smiled, "Actually if you wanted, I could teach you how to make your own," The half-avian suggested.

Gem grinned, "That would be amazing! What do you use to make them?"

"Oh," Pearl commented, "I have thread that works really well, I'll be back in a moment."

"What do you- oh," Gem began but Pearl hurried off, a few stray feathers falling to the ground as she ran.

Gem bent over and picked up the feathers. They are so soft and pretty... she thought, studying the feathers in her hand. She walked over to her desk and set them on the birch surface alongside other things she had collected over the years.

"Whew!" Pearl gasped as she hurried back in, "Got them!"

Gem jumped in surprise, "Oh! How were you so fast?" she inquired, stepping away from her desk.

Pearl spread her pale wings, "My wings," she smiled.

Gem felt her face heat with embarrassment. That was a stupid question... she thought, shaking her head.

Pearl sat on the floor and crossed her legs, she patted the ground beside her asking Gem to sit there. The redhead sat down and looked over Pearl's shoulder as she pulled out three colours of thread. Pink, purple, and blue. She passed the thread to Gem and pulled out a few colours of her own.

Pearl helped Gem set up the weaving area and then showed her how to do it. Gem tried to do a few rows but messed up several times. "I don't think I'm very good at this..." the deer muttered, scowling at her woven mess. Pearl chuckled.

"Here," she move so that she was kneeling over Gem's shoulder, "Let me help."

Pearl grasped Gem's hands with her own and guided the elf through the weaving process. She's so close... Gem thought, glancing over her shoulder into the blue eyes of the avian.

Pearl guided Gem through the first few rows of the bracelet and stopped. "I-I uh, t-thanks..." Gem stammered, her pointed ears turning red.

The brunette quickly realized how close they were and fumbled back. "I- uhm, y-yeah uh, I think that you can, um finish it... y-you're getting the hang of it..." Pearl blurted, her cheeks blooming with a pinkish tone.

The avian quickly turned back to her bracelet, stealing glances at Gem every now and again. Gods that was embarrassing... Pearl shook her head.

The two soon finished their bracelets. Pearl helped the redhead put hers on and pocketed the one she had made.

"Would you like to watch a movie or something?" Gem asked, walking into the living room.

Pearl glanced at her watch. 16:12, crap! I almost forgot about work. The avian turned to Gem, "Sorry but I have to go, my shift starts in eighteen minutes!"

Before the deer could respond, Pearl was out the door. "Thanks!" the avian called as she shut the door.

"Oh..." Gem muttered, "Well, heh, bye then." she chuckled.

As Pearl hurried down the street back to her house she smiled. She was glad she met Gem. The elf was nice and Pearl was slightly disappointed she had to leave so soon but Grian would be pissed if she didn't show up and rightfully so.

Pearl opened the door to her home and saw her brother in the kitchen pouring a bowl of cat food. "Oh, hey Pearl," The avian smiled, he had already changed into the uniform their supervisor had provided, "I was gonna call you after I fed Pearl and Maui if you didn't show up."

"Oh," Pearl paused, petting the cat that shared her name, "Thanks, I'll be down in a second. Wait, is the market in Sterlingville?"

Grian nodded, frowning, "It'd be smart if we hid our wings and other hybrid aspects. There are several... issues there. I wonder how the hybrid students deal with it. That's the city with the 'advanced' private school, right?" her brother asked. Pearl nodded, already running upstairs.

Pearl quickly changed into black pants and long-sleeved green polo. She grabbed the black apron and hurried back downstairs.

Grian was waiting for her at the door, two black hats in his hand. He passed one to his sister, the green logo flashing in the evening light.

"Alright," the parrot huffed, "If we fly there and land somewhere sheltered we can hide our wings and ears before we enter."

Pearl only nodded and spread her wings. The two avians took to the sky, quickly vanishing into the clouds.

They work at Starbucks now (For those here before it was Publix [Not present in the UK so one reason I changed it] and Starbucks is better anyway T-T)

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