Chapter Ten (Finally)

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I'M BACK, Bet u missed me B) /j Anyway the chapter is a lil short but as I'm getting into the swing of things I thought to take it a few steps at a time.

[Word Count: 774]

Pearl arose as the sun began to slip through her navy curtains. She quickly stretched and glanced at her phone. 6:32 Well that's good, she had time to wake Grian and find something to eat for breakfast. Maybe we have a few snacks left over from lunch yesterday... oh, Gem sent me a message. The avian opened her messages and smiled as she read what her friend had sent.

--- ♡ Gem ♡ ---

<♡ Gem ♡> Hi Pearl! I wanted to ask if you would be going on the school trip, I'm gonna be going and I hope you are too :>

<♡ Gem ♡> I think the teacher laid out forms.

<♡ Gem ♡> Please come... I'd be so lonely without you T-T

<♡ Gem ♡> Doc and Ren will just flirt with each other the whole time

<♡ Gem ♡> Please don't leave me with them T^T

<Pearl> GEM!

<♡ Gem ♡> Hi :D

<Pearl> It's six a.m. :/

<♡ Gem ♡> Sorry...

<♡ Gem ♡> ...You are going on the trip right?

<Pearl> Yeah yeah :)

<♡ Gem ♡> YAY! You're my new favourite person :D


Pearl couldn't help the smile and blush that crept over her face. She loved every moment with Gem she got.

"Griann" Pearl called out, poking her brown head into her brother's room.

"Mew!" Maui said, brushing against Pearl's legs.

Pearl frowned as she saw her brother sitting at his desk. I swear to void if he stayed up all night...

Grian was listening to music and typing something up on his laptop. Pearl crept up behind him and her frown deepened. Her brother was typing a report. His damned book report! It's not due for a while... he's too much of a workaholic. When Pearl had walked over, the blonde had been on page three.

"Grian," Pearl announced sternly. The avian jumped.

"PEARL DON'T DO THAT!" Grian shouted, his eyes wide with panic.

"Why are you working at six in the morning?" Pearl asked in a softer tone.

Grian bit his lip deciding how to respond. If he told her he had been awake all night, she'd probably slip a sleeping potion into his next drink. If he lied and said that he woke up early and decided to work she would chastise him about overworking himself. There was no winning solution so instead he changed the topic.

"You wanna eat?" the blonde asked, "And tell me what's on your mind? I can tell you have something to say."

Pearl quickly agreed, she needed to tell her brother about the trip. Grian packed his stuff into his bag as he followed Pearl downstairs.

As Grian ate his chips, Pearl explained the trip. "In two days there's going to be a school trip for my class," Pearl paused, taking a bite of her granola bar, "I will be gone for five days, are you okay with me going?"

Grian stopped. Five days.... It was a long time but since they had arrived at the new school, the blonde had felt like he was burdening his sister and taking opportunities from her. "Y-yeah!" Grian plastered a smile on his face, "You should t-totally go."

Pearl's smile was genuine and that was enough for Grian to feel good about his response. The brunette glanced at her watch and jumped up. Grian knew this meant it was time to go and grabbed his bag. Quickly petting his cats, he rushed out of the door after his sister.

Scar grabbed his school stuff and hurried out the door, "Bye Mom, bye Dad!" Scar called over his shoulder as he ran.

The school day went relatively smoothly, apart from a few interactions with Micheal and Henry. Grian was planning to head back home since he couldn't work on the project with Scar; the elf had band practice. As the avian reached the entrance, someone beside him cleared their voice.

"I uh..." A British accent fumbled, "I'm sorry."

Grian turned. It was Mumbo. "Sorry?" Grian blinked, "For what?"

Mumbo looked surprised, "For being a real bitch! I was unreasonably rude. I guess I was just scared you'd hurt Scar; he's been through too much already." Mumbo paused and twirlled his mustache, "But Scar seems happier around you and if he trusts you then I trust you too. I guess I just wanted to ask if there was anything I could do for you or to repay you..." he trailed off and looked into the avian's blue eyes.

Grian could tell the Mumbo's apology was genuine, "Well Scar has band today," the avian thought out loud, "How well do you know your way around town?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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