Chapter Five

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I'm back with a new chapter! I also wanted to say thanks because A New World is number TWELVE! TWELVE!!! in Scarian, you guys are crazy! (Last chapter we were at #27!) <3 I hope you enjoy this chapter even though it is a little shorter than the last one. (Pov: the intro is longer than the chapter- /j)

[Words: 1185]

"Grian!" Scar called, running up beside the blonde, brushing his hair behind his spiky ears, "Jeez you are fast. That will help you in P.E.! Why are you in such a hurry?"

Grain slow to a walk. "Well at my last two schools if you didn't get to lunch early there was a high likelihood that you wouldn't get lunch that day." And I wanted to get out of that classroom as quickly as possible...

Scar let the words process, "That's... well that's not something you need to worry about here. There is always enough lunch for everyone plus free snacks."

"Free?" Grian repeated. Scar nodded. "Pearl will like that," Grian smiled.

"Who?" Scar asked as they walked into the cafeteria.

"Pearl is my older sister," Grian answered, looking around the large room. 

"This one's bigger than the one at Yandere..." he muttered to himself.

"Look! There's False and her girlfriend, Stress," Scar pointed, grabbing Grian's arm and leading him over to the table where two girls were sitting.

False looked up. "Oh hey! Your that blonde from earlier. Henry and Micheal haven't been bitches since then have they?"

"Nah, actually, Grian showed up Micheal in math today!" Scar grinned, pulling out a seat and sitting down. Grian sat next to him.

"That's awesome- Oh Cleo!" False smiled as the zombie walked over.

"Hello, my two favourite people!" Cleo grinned, kissing Stress on the cheek.

"Hey darling," Stress said, tucking a strand of brown hair behind her ear.

"What about me?" False asked, playfully shoving Cleo.

"Jealous?" The zombie asked, kissing False on the cheek as well, "Better?"

False grinned, "Yep!"

Grian stared at the table. "C'mon, guys! Now Grian and I feel like third wheels!" Scar whined. False responded by sticking her tongue out.

"You're just jealous because you're still single," Stress said with a smirk, her girlfriends chuckled.Scar rolled his eyes. "There you are!" came a familiar Australian accent. Grian spun around.

"Pearl!" He smiled, "I was wondering when you would get here." His sister smiled.

"Oooh!" Scar waved to Pearl, "Grian mentioned you, I'm Scar!"

"Pleasure to meet you!" Pearl said, sitting down next to her brother.

Grian quickly realized that he and Pearl didn't have lunch when the others at the table began to pull out lunch boxes or grab trays. "Pearl, they have free food here! Free!" Grian said, pointing to the lunch line.

Pearl's eyes widened, "Let's go!" she shouted, grabbing her brother and running into the line.

The siblings soon returned with trays filled with all the free food they were allowed. "Wow," Scar said, examining the trays.

At this point, more people Grian didn't know had joined them at the table.

"Ah!" Scar smiled, turning to the avian, "Let me introduce you to 'The Hermits', we are a group of people that don't really fit in, there are more of us at the advanced school but you could meet them later if you'd like."

Grian only blinked. Scar pointed out different people at the table and said their names. He also mentioned that there were others who hadn't joined them yet.

So far Grian had met, Doc, the creeper hybrid from earlier, Gem, Pearl's new cervitaur friend, Ren, a close friend of Doc's who was a dog hybrid, Iskall who was a human but seemed pretty chill with hybrids, Stress who was a witch, and her girlfriend, False, which Grian had met earlier.

"That's a lot of people..." Grian muttered.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm a little late," A British voice called. Grian paused, hiding his wings. Pearl noticed this and, out of instinct, followed her brother's lead.

"Ah, Mumbo," Scar said, unaware that he was blocking the noirette's view of Grian.

"Huh, looks like you lost that bird," Mumbo noted, satisfaction filling his voice. False looked away awkwardly.

"Well uh-" Scar tried but he was quickly interrupted, "I didn't trust him..." Mumbo shrugged.

Pearl stood, keeping her wings hidden, "What's your issue with avians?" she asked.

Mumbo frowned, "Simply put, my parents took in a wounded avian who then attacked us, killing my parents and almost killing me. He said that he had been faking the whole time! He deceived us and then killed my parents. It just proves that avians are liars and murderers."

"Tsk..." Grian said, unfurling his wings.

Shit was the only word echoing through Mumbo's head as he saw the avian stand.

"While I am greatly sorry for your loss, Mumbo." Grian said, staring the man in the eyes, "I have nothing to do with the attack on your parents, and I find it unjust to judge me based on others' actions. Your claim is the equivalent of me saying that because in the past humans, often males, have been the main offenders in school shootings, you will start one as well."

Mumbo stared blankly at the avian. At this moment, Pearl spread her white wings. Doc noticed that Gem seemed to redden and elbowed her.

"If you were an avian the whole time why did you ask me why I disliked your race?" Mumbo practically shouted.

Grian pinched the bridge of his nose, "Lunch is going to be over soon." he muttered, sitting back down and sorting through the pile of free food.

Pearl sat as well and turned to the food. Regular conversation resumed amongst the members of the table, Mumbo taking a seat next to Iskall sat quietly observing the siblings.

"How much of this should we set aside for later?" Pearl muttered, catching the attention of Ren from across the table. What does she mean by 'set aside for later' he thought.

"Uh, three-fourths?" Grian suggested, sliding some of the food into a bag, "We won't have to spend as much at the store that way." Ren pricked his ears, he didn't want to be nosey but he was also worried about why the avians were saving food.

Pearl and Grian began to eat the food they hadn't set aside for rations when Grian stopped midway, "You want half of this?" he offered, seeing the hunger in his sister's demeanor.

"Woah really?!" Pearl asked, looking at the food.

"Sure, I'm not really hungry anyways," Grian smiled. Ren raised an eyebrow.

The brunette looked across the table, making eye contact with Mumbo. Does he suspect the same thing I do? Ren thought, tilting his head towards the avians. Mumbo nodded slightly. Ren was very confused now. Mumbo goes from hating Grian and avians to worrying about them? I'm so confused...

Ren shook his head and flicked his tail, looking over to the clock on the wall, and began to count down the seconds. Three... two... one- BRINGGGGGG.

Grian startled, covering his ears. "G? Are you okay?" Scar asked, and when the blonde nodded he spoke again, "We have P.E. next, are you ready?"

Grian wasn't the hugest fan of P.E. due to... past physical ed. experiences but he might as well be ready. "Y-yep," he said and stood, slinging his satchel over his shoulder.

"I'll see you later!" Pearl said, waving to her brother as she walked away with Gem, Doc, and Ren.Grian waved back and then followed Scar to the gym. Half-way through...

Hope the chapter will be good until the next one is out! Again thank you for #12 (OUT OF OVER 200!!) Have a wonderful rest of your day/night/dusk/dawn!

<3 Raine/Reine :P

.:A New World:. [Hermitcraft Highschool AU] [Scarian]Where stories live. Discover now