Chapter Seven

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You: Ah! Reine posted, another chapter is done
Me *holding the prologue to my other book*: EHeheh.....

Yes, this is a real chapter but I wanted to announce that I am starting another book. Why? Well, because I can. And because it helps me keep writing when I don't have ideas for other books. My new book (as you will see) is called .:A Stolen Heart:. and it is a royal AU.

But back to chapter seven of .:A New World:. my only warning is transphobia and speeding through the rest of the school day because I can and I have no ideas. I hope you enjoy! (BTW #3 in hermitcraft ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ *life goals right there*)

[Word count: 1380]

Scar glanced over at the blonde as he led them through the halls. He had wrapped his hand around Grian's arm so he could direct him but now Scar didn't want to let go. It just feels... right? I like this... He thought. This is normal right?...

"Oh! We're here," Scar blurted, making Grian jump. "Sorry!" he quickly added.

Grian looked around the classroom as he entered. The walls were covered in educational and cheesy inspirational posters, a long timeline wrapped around the room. The desks were arranged in a semicircle with the teacher's desk in the middle of the half-circle. A chalkboard took up most of the front wall and the room was quite bright. A projector displayed a welcome message on the chalkboard.

The teacher approached them with a warm smile. "Hello! My name is Mrs. Anderson, welcome to this year's hybrid studies," The human said, adjusting the bun her dark hair was collected in, "Please choose a seat but make sure you can see the board." The two nodded and walked around.

They finally settled on one of the edges of the semicircle. Scar turned to the avian. "I didn't know it was hybrid studies this semester," the vex commented.

"I think it will be interesting to learn about the other hybrids," Grian murmured.

Although the thought of learning about other hybrids interested him, the avian began spacing out. The first lesson wasn't much to worry about. The avian felt a hand on his shoulder and flinched.

"Sorry!" Scar quickly remarked, "I just wanted to tell you that class was over and we need to head to science."

Grian blinked. Oh. "Mk," He muttered, standing.

"Are you alright?" Scar asked. Grian only nodded, gesturing for the vex to lead the way. Hmm, maybe he is just tired? Scar studied his friend as they walked to the next class.

Scar led them down the hall and turned into a room. Like the history room, it was bright. There were multiple tables each with two chairs. The back wall had several cabinets and a few sinks. A well-dressed brunette welcomed the students "My name is Mr. Thompson, this is your chemistry class. Please take a seat, whoever you sit with will be your lab partner for the remainder of the year."

Scar took a seat, Grian sat beside him. The class was quick since it was the beginning of a new semester, they reviewed lab safety and once they finished, they were dismissed for the rest of the day.

Grian headed outside and sat beneath a tree. School was to end in the next ten minutes and then he and Pearl could go home and deal with Darcel.

The bell soon rang and Grian caught up with his sister who happened to be talking with Gem. "Grian!" She grinned, "How are you?"

The avian shrugged when he heard his name called from behind. He turned to see Scar jogging up to him. "I just wanted to ask if we could exchange numbers so that we can keep in touch... about the project," The elf suggested. Grian paused and glanced at his sister.

.:A New World:. [Hermitcraft Highschool AU] [Scarian]Where stories live. Discover now