Chapter Six

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HI so yes, this is an actual chapter! I don't really have any important messages other than, I will be doing a Q&A *jazz hands* sO iF yOu hAvE aNy qUeStIoNs (or requests) cOmMent :DD

ENJOY [Warning; References/suggestions of suicide] (I know I said no triggers but this one is a little more intense(?) I think(????)

[Word count: 2078] (I hope this will satisfy you until I have Seven done :)

Grian looked around the gym. It was roughly the same size as the one at Yandere. Scar led Grian over to a section of the court where other people were sitting. The elf sat, Grian took a seat next to him. Scar's wings shrank and folded away. Shortly after all of the students gathered, two teachers came out and looked at everyone. One teacher with black hair and purple eyes spoke to the students.

"Hello students, my name is Mrs. Selena Heartwood but refer to me as Mrs. Selena. Today we will continue our parkour training, this time as a friendly race. Everyone will stand in two relatively equal lines, the student across from you in the other line is the one you will be racing. After it is finished, the winners will move onto a more difficult course and it will go on that way until we have one winner," One of the teachers announced. She snapped her fingers and a parkour course appeared around the gym.

The other teacher, a blonde with red eyes, walked forward, "I am Mrs. Kaitlyn Heartwood but call me Mrs. Kaitlyn or Mrs. K. The course you see is much simpler for the first round but it will get progressively harder." She looked to the other teacher who snapped, showing a much more difficult course.

Mrs. Kaitlyn thanked her partner and clapped her hands, "Everyone please get into two lines so we can begin. Remember hybrids, you are not allowed to use your powers to aid you in the parkour."

Grian got into one of the lines behind Scar. Mrs. Selena walked up to the avian and studied him closely, "You're new," she finally said, Grian nodded and the coach continued, "Since you haven't been here for the teaching and training of parkour, you don't have to race." She explained.

Grian shook his head, "I'd like to at least try the first one." It's much easier than what Rowan would have done...

Mrs. Selena shrugged, "Suit yourself."

Grian watches as people tried, failed, and succeeded in the course and soon he was watching Scar jump and run through the parkour with ease. Grian stepped forward and glanced at the person beside him that he'd be racing. The person smiled, "Good luck new guy, you might need it later." Grian only nodded.

Mrs. Kaitlyn looked at the avian and cleared her throat, "You won't be able to use your wings on this course."

Grian glanced at her and nodded, folding his wings away.

The teacher gave the count down and they were off. For Grian, the parkour was simple and he saved energy for the next levels, still beating his opponent.

"You did well!" the guy smiled, "Good luck with Bryce though. He's the 'jock'." the kid shrugged and walked over to the wall, sitting next to the other students who lost.

"Hey, Gri!" Scar called, jogging over, False not far behind him, "Good job!"

"Uh, thanks, I didn't know False was in this class," Grian responded, joining one of the new lines.

"Yep! I'm gonna kick so many people's asses on this course!" False grinned.

"Whose Bryce?" Grian asked as False stared down her opponent.

.:A New World:. [Hermitcraft Highschool AU] [Scarian]Where stories live. Discover now