Chapter 1

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Do you remember when people talk about dying? They say it's such a peaceful thing, that you'll feel a cold sensation gripping you and you start falling into an abyss not knowing if you'll be rescued or you'll be gone forever, knowing that you have a lot of things to do and regretting not doing them.

I never believed in all that nonsense, I believed dying wasn't peaceful why would someone want to die? Even if you died, why would you feel peace? Was death such a beautiful thing when you are causing your loved ones immense pain?

I always told myself that I wouldn't forgive my parents or siblings if they ever died and left me in this big and cruel world. Haha, the joke's on me now, I'm the one dying and leaving them.

I started feeling it from my legs, it started spreading slowly like poison I could feel my soul leaving my body, my life flashing before my very eyes showing memories so swiftly, memories that I never really cherished.

I watched in terror, desperately grasping on for what I could not hold on to, life! It was as if my life was being sucked away from me right before my very eyes and I couldn't do anything about it. Just a lot of ringing noises then silence, sweet bitter silence, as I close my eyes and fall into an endless sleep.

My soul left my body and I stood up and watched as my mother was holding onto me and asking me to stay with her she cried" Rebi,Rebi,Rey honey, it's mama it's me stay with me. Please don't go, I'm here don't leave me, Somebody help my baby!" she wailed and screamed while clutching my already lifeless body, I watched as my father stood by my mother's side putting on a brave front while all he wanted to do was break down.

Sirens were wailing and onlookers were standing and looking at my family with pity, shaking their heads, wondering why such a tragedy had to befall us.

My house caught on fire in the middle of the night. If you asked me how? I wouldn't know either all I could tell you was that in the night, I decided to leave my windows open cause it was hot; and the fan wasn't moving as fast as I had wanted. Later on into the night, I started feeling uncomfortable like I was being choked .

I stirred in my sleep and was wondering if our neighbors were burning something so I could close my windows cause I didn't like the smell, plus my younger sister was lying next to me I didn't want it to affect her.

On fully waking up, I started hearing voices like
"where are these people?",
"can't they perceive the smell?",
" oh God help them" and I was wondering what was going on. Putting my head through my window, all I could see was smoke and fire that looked like it was coming up from my house. Still unsure, I got up to go and check downstairs.

Walking down the stairs in the middle of the night is something that I never thought I would ever find myself doing because I am mad scared of the dark.

Yes, I agree I am 17 but still scared of the dark. I'm also short-sighted and no one ever sees me without my glasses but in my defense, I don't like the concept of not being able to see and If I didn't like that concept, then why would I like the dark? Irrespective of that, that day I wasn't scared to go downstairs alone or move in the dark but that's off the point so moving on, I was going down the stairs and the smoke was just too much that I was coughing and trying to cover my nose.

Upon opening the door, I felt like something pushed me down. I saw my house on fire and I heard people scream go get your dad. I immediately ran upstairs to get my Dad. I started screaming.
"Daddy, Daddy fire! fire!" before I could comprehend anything else, my dad burst out of his room. My mom hot on his heels. They started scrambling to get my sisters.

I went to get my elder sister but she never ever gets up when I wake her up I'm sure it's because she's older that she ignores me but as I got there and taped her frantically but she asked me to leave her alone I immediately shouted.
"The house's on fire if you want to live come out if not then you're free to die here" and I left not a second later I saw her next to me and I smiled and thought to myself
"Oh so you want to live huh?" My younger sister was carried on my dad's shoulders and they were all running and trying to get downstairs.

I was also doing same, when I remembered something. I didn't get my glasses. Glasses right? I know it's a stupid reason for me to rush back into where the fire had spread rapidly but I already told you , I didn't like the concept of me not being able to see.

I ran back in to get it and when I did, I was relieved. I put them on and tried to go out but I couldn't. Suddenly, I was surrounded by flames.I looked for ways to get out but I couldn't but I braced myself.

I tried to make a run for it to the door before I could get there our headboard fell and hit me behind my head. I felt searing pain rushing right through my body from my head, as my vision became blurry and I could hear voices calling for me. I still fought cause I wouldn't go down without a fight. I also couldn't stand so I started dragging myself out but I just couldn't.

The fire was all around and I couldn't breathe. Smoke had already filled my body and I only managed to croak an " I'm here" before I blacked out.

I woke up a ghost. You might ask me how I could tell well, I saw my body on the ground and I watched as My sisters each held my mom and we're sobbing.

I only saw those type of things in movies and I could never fully relate but now, I fully understand. How could I tell them I was gone and would never come back? How could I tell them that they wouldn't hear my ugly laughter and snarky comments ever again.

If I could have just one more chance to go back and tell them I loved them just one more time I would do it in a heartbeat.

Ah! well, that's if I had one, which I unfortunately don't but you get what I'm saying. I know ghosts can't be seen nor heard but I had to at least try, even if I can't be seen, can't I at least be felt? I rushed over there and I tried touching her but my translucent hands just passed right through her but she couldn't see me nor hear my voice shouting that I loved her and she meant the world to me.

The pain that I felt there was worse than the pain of dying. I cried out to the heavens
"If you can hear me, anyone please just let me go back to my family even if I just go back to tell them goodbye! please help me" I cried out and it was all blank. I fell and all I could see was black.

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